Gynocologist.1st time....age 13...?

I need adjectives the details about what they do and everything exact my mom thinks i involve to go if my term is still causeing me a bunch of problems afteer the summer. im scared ehlp!


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your 1st visit will consist of: removing of clothing, and putting on a tabloid garment = 1 for upper and 1 for lower body. then the doctor will come surrounded by and talk to you roughly speaking your situation and he will then ring in his nurse so he can examine you. If you are humiliated about this, later have your mom within the room with you. That is ok.
He will afterwards insert a specullum into your vagina. The specullum just nice of holds the vagina open so he can see your organs more confidently. It doesn't hurt..just big-hearted of awkward..after that, he will examine your breasts to see if you have any lumps. And after that, he will enjoy you dress yourself and will want to discuss his findings. I really do think it will be ok if your mom is surrounded by the room with you for your 1st look in, and it will probably help you to relax..relaxation is the push button for your 1st vaginal examination.nearby is nothing to be faint-hearted is purely your doctor examining his/her patient.

I prefer a woman gynocologist because women can be more analysis of female things.because they walk thru these things that we females go thru.== do not be afraid.this is something that we adjectives have to be in motion thru like it or not. But I enjoy found that a woman doctor can relate to my situation better than a male doctor because she have been thru it herself.

I hope this have been compliant for you and I want to wish you the best of luck.and may God bless and hold you healthy and sheltered.

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i of late whent through my first time going too. im 16. ok so its nbd ! (no big deal) dont sweat it ! all the doc is going to do is merely probable talk to you and she/he might want to mess beside your stomach. good luck and simply dont worry :)

Breast aug?

Take open breaths!

The doctor will make you as comfortable as possible. Just consent to the doctor know this is your first time. They talk to you and agree to you know what they are doing the whole time they examine you.

Some parts are mortified, just breathe thoughtful, have your mom hold your appendage and talk to you.


It shouldn't be too big of a matter. I've personally never be to the doctor for anything like that even though I stipulation to, but like you I don't consistency comfortable, and I have so several other neurological problems going on that my mom hasn't pushed me into it yet. My friend said that it's not that bad- it's of late like seeing a regular Dr.

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It really does sound terrifying, I know, but it's not as scary as you deem.
Yes, having someine examine your downstairs isn't exactly my concept of a good time, but it's not a nightmare any.
The most uncomfortable entity about everything isn't physical, it's mental.
It doesn't hurt at adjectives, you'll feel a short time bit of pressure when he puts the speculum in (it looks almost close to a pair of cylindrical plastic tongs that unscrew up the vagina just adequate so he can see your cervix.), he'll probably push on your tummy a bit, where your ovaries are, he might swab your cervix (for what's call a pap smear. checks for the Human Papiloma Viris. You've seen the commercials for Gardasil, vacine agains cervical cancer) afterwards he'll feel your breasts for a bit while (this, oddly ample, was the weirdest portion for me! lol) he's checking for lumps that might be cancer.
Do some research, learn EVERYTHING you can roughly speaking your own anatomy, become comfortable discussing it with your mom, conceivably a close friend also, and don't be afraid to ask questions!

Trust me, you won't be the gyno's first 13 year prehistoric patient and not his finishing. They know what they're doing, so relax as much as you can, maybe ask if you can bring a cd or mp3 player, that might minister to a lot.
Good luck! You'll do freshly fine!

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I'm not going to lie to you... if they pass you a pap smear for the first time it's going to hurt! I'm 17 and had my first one at 16. she did convey me though that it helps rather bit if you wear tampons since you're used to having something in near. you should definitely return with them regularly when/if you become sexually active. you nouns like the satchel I had... I go to one b/c I had very bad periods and acne and grotesque hormones. they put me on birth control for it and it really helps for adjectives of it! I had my mom dance with me. it will patently be easier to have someone at hand for you, but take someone you really love and trust because it is a bit of a humiliating experience. if you ever call for someone to talk to freshly email me! I'll help any style I can.

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The first time i went i be 11 because i haveing problems with my interval on the first visit he did an internal exam which didnt hurt too much. But it be nice to hold my mums hand she didnt see anything you own your legs up and a sheet over you so only the doctor will see anything

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The links below bestow you lots of information. But you also need to have a handle on all of the following.

This exam in a bit humiliated, but it's not painful. You call for to relax, and deep breathing is the best approach to do this.

You will never be alone with your doctor during this exam. There must other be a nurse present, watching the exam, to protect both you and the doctor.

There is no reason for your mother to not be next to you and every reason for her to in reality be there. She's be through this before and likelihood are that your friends haven't. That's aside from the fact that at your age, your friends are credible to gossip in the region of your visit and adjectives of the details, and you don't need that.

If you're have problems with your time, it's not that bad of an thought for you to have a first pelvic exam. But within is no reason for your familial doctor to not do this, and it might be easier for you.

You will be asked if you're a virgin. Tell the truth, either process. This isn't about judge you in any course, it's simply that some part of this exam will be done is a slighly different posture if you are, and your doctor needs to know this. Your mother may also want to you own the Gardasil vaccine, and you need to not hold any sexual experience for that to work. It's done in two shots, a few months apart. It can recover your life.

Finally, a pelvic exam is something that every woman wishes to have, every year. Again, it can put aside your life.

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