Bleeding at the age of 63?

bleeding for 2 days notheavy but enough

Would an INFERTILE woman still get her monthly menses?

This is nil to ignore.
You obligation to schedule a look in to your Ob/Gyn IMMEDIATELY!
Vaginal bleeding at your age is concerning.
Please don't waste any time contained by going to your Ob/Gyn.
IF you still have ovaries/uterus and on hormones - COULD POSSIBLY be related to that,
however, you obligation to have a complete history and physical perform.

I m 22yrs hv irregular periods..does taking of birth control pills support? what r the side effects?

wow u should go see a doctor on that one it could me some hormone problem

What is the gooey that comes out from any girl after having sex beside someone, and what does it do?

It may be hormonal or it may be due to some polips in the uterus. In any case you entail to go and see a doctor.

What happen when your gonna get your term?

could be fibroids or a punctured cyst irritating the uterine wall.. they bleed and are a problem.. if you are concerned.. please visit a physican. <3

What birth contol pill can I procure t have shorters period or no menstruation at alkeeping in mind?

You need to see your doctor:


* You enjoy any bleeding at all after menopause—light or indigestible."

"Post menopausal bleeding is quite adjectives. It is usually due to harmless cause. But you ought ot see your doctor as it may be caused by cancer of the pool liner of the womb (endometrial cancer) or cancer of the cervix.

The most common symptom of cervical cancer is atypical bleeding. This means any bleeding between period or after sexual intercourse in a pre-menopausal woman. Or bleeding in a post menopausal woman. Other symptoms are

A vaginal discharge which may smell
Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
But bleeding from the vagina in an older woman may not be cervical cancer. It can be cause by other gynaecological problems such as fibroids (benign growths) in the womb. It is also more commonly due to womb cancer (that is, endometrial cancer)."

There is abundantly of information on the net give or take a few this. Search for "post-menopausal bleeding". AND, call your doctor! It is probably zilch serious, but it is not something you should ignore.

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