I also own a big problem!?

ok im 14 and I'v had my time for almost 2 years now and i'v never worn tampons beforehand only pad. The problem is next month im vactioning (srry dont spell that good) contained by greece with some of my friends from conservatory. And we're going swimming and stuff. But my period falls right around consequently so i need to be prepared. Im freshly worried because i need to cram how to use tampons in lone one month! i tried last month approaching once and i just get really like,, worried and worried and stuff. Anyways!! any advise on what i can do to swot and anything else that would help?? Thank you soo soo much.

Answers:    Now is a flawless opportunity to get prepared. You will enjoy a much more enjoyable time on time off without have to worry around your period. It would be best to start bad with smaller tampons, so buy junior. Most importantly, know where you are putting the tampon earlier trying to insert one. All boxes come with instructions, so past you start this month, get the box and take a mirror. Don't be afraid to look at your body so you are informed. Once you have that figure out, insert one as far as your fingers will allow and then use one foot to push the tampon up. Pull the applicator out and voila! It really does seem startling and I also remember how frustrating it was. Practice prior to this month's time so there is no mess involved and after use this month's period as your trial run. You will be glad you did and never use those bulky and filthy pad again. Have a great time in Greece!
ask your doc to make a contribution u birth control pills but the low ones and juzz use them for that time and then throw em away Start beside a tampon for teens. They are really slim, and easier to insert. You might want to put a dab of vaseline on the tip so they insert easier. Also purely try and relax when you insert it.
i wouldnt advise taking birth controll if your not sexually moving yet, but could you ask your mom in the order of this? i know it seems akward but you would revise best from her.
i got my time when i was 11 and i used pad the first day, changed to tampons, and never looked hindmost. i garantee after you use them you will never want to use a pad again. i use tampax docile glide, its surrounded by a blue box and it comes with instructions.
its really assured to follow.
good luck on your trip, own fun!
Birth control if you can get on it formerly you leave.

If not, newly read all the information roughly the tampons, get the Jr./Slim type. Tampons are so much better than pad. You will get the dangle of it and love them.

You can do so much more and you can't even feel them.

READ THE BOOK IN THE TAMPON BOX. Also I contemplate tampax/playtex/kotex, all enjoy websites that help for first-timers.
the most high-status thing is to put it surrounded by right.and what is right? right is when you do not feel the tampon...also I hear there are some pill that can transient change the length time but you have to address about that next to your gynecologist...you should start go see him or her anyway to product sure that everything is ok down there and possibly they could give you an warning...good luck and bon voyage :-)

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