Would an INFERTILE woman still procure her monthly menses?

Would an INFERTILE woman (who has not be diagnosed as being infertile) still carry her monthly menses / menstruation? Medical reasons astern your answer would greatly be appreciated.

I know that a woman who chooses to be undergo surgery to become sterile (have her tubes tied) would still draw from her monthly menses b/c she's blocking off her fallopian tubes and nil is done to her uterus which is where the blood flow is released from, but I'm not sure if an infertile woman would still draw from her menses.


I am 17.no pillsnothingmy problem is i am getting my period too earlyfrom the recent past few months?

The blood and tissues still build up every month and have to be released, regardless of whether or not in that is an egg to get rid of as very well.

Is it normal for my extent to last longer than 7 days?

well, if she can't produce eggs, she won't catch her period, but if she's infertile because within's something wrong with her endometrium (lining of the uterus), she would, assuming here's nothing else wrong. i deduce it's called endometriosis.

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Yes infertile women can still menstruate. The individual reason you would not own a period is if you don't ovulate. However, oodles women ovulate and are infertile for other reasons.

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I am pretty sure you still get your extent if you have a tubal ligation.

They don't literally "tie" the tubes, as the expression imply.

PLEASE HELP!only girls!?

It would be base on the reason for the infertility. If it is hormonal - she may not find her period. If it is a blockage of the fallopian tubes (like from scarring, disease) she would still attain one. If the uterus is abnormal - it is a toss up. It would be base on the cause of the infertility whether or not she would menstrate.

Ok lately i have be under alot of stress.?

Yes, at times.

I'm infertile due to hormonal reason (I don't always ovulate) and I still have periods during my teens through 30's. Irregular, but period just alike.

Since age 31 I have be on the pill to regulate my periods because I stopped ovulating and be bleeding all the time.

I hold never been properly diagnosed as "infertile", only as have a hormonal problem (PCOS). Many women with my problem hold been competent to have children though.

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