What birth contol pill can I bring t have shorters period or no menstruation at al...keeping in mind...?
Having to progress to the bathroom a lot during my term?
Every one reacts to birth control differently.
I pinch a standard low estrogen pill and I bleed less than 1oz per month and it last about 3 days. It's great!
Seasonelle cause you to only hold periods every 3 months, but I'm not sure what that will do for the the amount.
get an IUD. I have merina. They put it in once and it later for 5 years before it wishes to be replaced.
90% of women on it stop having any period after the first few months.
It cost a few hundred out of pocket. Most insurances will cover at least the procedure. Some cover both the procedure and the IUD its self. Even medicaid would reward for it.
It's not dutiful for your body to stop periods altogether over a long spell of time.
I'd go w. the pill.
IUD's beside hormones can stop a period. There are two types- one w. hormones, and one w.out. The one minus will let your cycle do it's entity without interruption. It is excrutiatingly uncomfortable to put it and will cause cramps close to you've never felt for the first couple of days. But, it is honourable for up to 7 years and not nearly as painful to remove.
After Sex Question Anyone Help?
you can do this near absolutely any birth control pill except the mini pill. cart to your gyn, they all know how to do this- Please im serious girls only aaahhhhh please!?
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