Serious give somebody the third degree?

a 4 year old say her crotch hurts like a thorn and at another point she said that sometimes she get babysat by more than one man who sleeps all the time and she doesnt know their name. is there judgment to suspect sexual abuse and if so what should i do? her mother seem neglectful but if i be to report her she may lose us forever becuase her mom will hate us. what would come up if i told child services? what do they do in situations liek this where on earth there is no apparent abuse? would the child wrap up right back up near the mother or would she be taken away? what is the process for dealing with a situation close to this? serious answers please

Does it matter if your urine preview don't get tested straight away for pregnancy results.?

You might ask the little girl if she is anxious of the guys, or if they have hurt her.

If you are within a position of caring for her, you might be what is call a "mandated reporter"... which funds that you might have to report your suspicions.

One entity I CAN say, as someone next to both DHS and medical training, is that little girls (and boys) DO put just nearly anything... just roughly anywhere. If there's a hole within their body, and something that will fit in it, well...

BUT, if here are people that she have mentioned that she is scared of, AND she is mentioning that her crotch hurts, AND you are in a position of taking prudence of her, you need to bring some action. Ask the kid if she is alarmed of the guys, or if they have hurt her. See what turns up.

Good luck,


You can report it - the first thing is that social services will do an investigation and cross-question the mother, the child, family, etc.. It can be done anonymously so that the loved ones won't know it was you. Something sounds wrong in that and I'd notify children's services.

Is this normal?

This could be a serious problem. Before you kick to conclusions, talk to the mom and acquire her to understand your concerns. If the mom is not competent to do anything about it, try to speak to the 4 year old and ask her if anything have happened. Do NOT asking central questions because she may make available you the wrong answer just to please you.

If she's one molested, she will tell you within her own words.

Based on the response, talk to the mother again. If she continues to look right through you or is not responsive, do you part as a sensible fully developed and call Child Protective Services. You will be in your favour a life.

Good Luck!

A girl asked me tonight, is one slim, having big boobs and person between the age of 20 and 32 a bad entity?

I agree that you definitely hold to say it anonymously as you don't want to hold the finger pointed at you...please report it as if something is happening you will perceive so much better that you did intervene now and not after that, and if won't own to feel impossible and maybe a doctor can look at this little girl and comfort her with her problem. I know it is other hard steping in where on earth you feel you shouldn't but sometimes you lately do regardless of the consequences if something is happening to this little girl you could be the one to sustain her out of this situation!!

Short and light term..?

That could be a ton of different things. She could be neglected and have a simple yeast infection because she dosen't devolution her undies enough. There could be bugs surrounded by the house and she could have a spider bite down at hand.

If you call CPS, they will investigate but if in that is no obvious signs of abandonment they will not take her away from the home. I've see this a thousand times to kiddo's... there is not a together lot you can do other than hail as CPS and cross your fingers. When you call, bring up to date them that you don't want them to know who you are--and that you feel resembling she is in exposure and it should be checked out. At least it will put a thought contained by her mothers mind that someone feels something and I don`t know she won't continue to ignore her kid. She may get worse though and it may be best for the child to be taken out of the home--sometimes explicitly what is best for kids.


I'm an OB/GYN and I was presented a situation approaching this a few weeks ago. If you're in a position of taking consideration of the child, make an appointment and filch her to a doctor that you trust. Explain to the doctor your suspicions and the situation.

One other way that can comfort is this:

When you next babysit the child, ask her to draw a picture of what she does next to the men who babysit here. Four year olds are very vivid drawers and it's a sure fire mode of not coursing her into telling you what you what to believe. Also, if in attendance is abuse up 9 out of 10 times the child will draw a picture of a position or someone touching her inappropriately. This will give you rather leverage to stand on when contacting Child Protective Services or the Police. Also, this is a very secure way of going just about getting to the bottom of the situation.

Good Luck! Please let me know if I can assist further. There should be more concerned people within the world like yourself.

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