How can i get loads of liveliness!!?

what should i do to be a really energetic personage!!
other than drink caffeine or do drugs!?

I enjoy a cyst or something on my collar bone, what is it?

Eat fruit, or drink fruit juices - they are decent and have like mad of natural sugar to fuel you.

Ive get a question give or take a few girls?

do drugs!

Could i be pregnant?

energy bars!

Help!! i what should i do?

These will backing temporarily. Once you begin to rely on these things for verve, you will have difficulty living lacking them.

Try the reverse. Look at what drains your energy:

Eat well
Get some exercise and fresh air
Sleep well
And look at the ethnic group and situation that drain your energy

Question for girls one and only?

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetable's and excersice and put together sure you get adjectives of your vitamins

Bigger breats ?

Sugar! buhaha

When will i get my extent?

Firstly you should find out why you lack strength. Go to your doctor and get blood test; they should test to net sure you don't have an underactive thyroid, and that your sugar level are normal. Depending on your age, you might also want to be checked for glandular restlessness; people usually obtain this in their teens or early-mid 20s.

If adjectives the medical tests check out, later it could be diet, lack of sleep, eye strain, famine of a certain vitamin.

Perhaps going to a flawless nutritionist would be helpful?

Leg spasms?

Adrenaline and Testosterone are the best drugs for vivacity.

If you don't have much get-up-and-go, it's hugely difficult to feel motivated to do exercises, but if you run to get a session started, the adrenaline this will produce can vary the way you get the impression for hours afterwards.

This is one reason for the adjectives advice to exercise untimely in the morning; it give you a boost that can help you get hold of more done during the day, which within turn makes you get the impression more successful. This increases your level of testosterone ( yes, contained by women as well as men ! )

Testosterone is regularly wrongly described as a male sex hormone; it's in actuality a 'reward' hormone, produced in response to hunch successful (it amplifies these feelings, which is why masculine overexposure to it can produce the arrogance and aggression that leads to steroid rage).

In women, testosterone stimulates libido, (which is why it is given to post-menopausal women as a component of HRT.) but it is stimulated by (and amplifies) adjectives sorts of feelings connected to self-worth and personal gratification. It's one of the chemicals affected by falling in love, and it's one pretext why success contained by business or other matters can take home some women feel horny (just resembling men do). It's also why sexual success can advance the whole of your outlook on existence.

Work out, feel powerful and sexy, and wallow in the results !

Why is a back up method of birth control critical, if you miss two pills in a row.?

excercise - or if you cant be asked next lucozade!!

What do you think is the basis of cancer?

wots rong wit caffeine huh? its esecially for life lol - wel my time neway

Howold were u when u have sex?

I know it is incredibly hard and seem the opposite of what you'd reflect you'd do but giving up caffeine or cutting down to a couple of cups of tea a light of day actually make it easier to wake up, be more energentic etc. Warning though - cut down slowly as your body will be used to it and you may seize headaches for a few days. The body sleeps better in need caffine so you get more mediocre rest - oh and alcohol doesn't help any!

How early can you be in motion through the change of go?

let him dream about what you are doing to do to him in bed, make available him a good **. and long foreplay and guide to do it.

Do guys reflect on it gross to have tresses down there?

eat lots of fresh food, not crappy takeaway n stuff similar to that, n exercise! i always perceive so rejuvenated and full of life after a correct run or netball match. i know it sounds v. corny, but its the truth lol :)

For fully developed women!?

intake of extra carbs should do the trick, pasta, potatoes,
scrambeled eggs with beans yummy

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