
okay so i have a own flesh and blood event and i really need to flatten my tummy...what do i do ...the event is within a week!!

Girls: what is your favorite deoderant?

Ok well nil is really gonna help you renovate something like that contained by a week. But just save a healthy diet and excirsice, you will be aware of better about yourself. Also try to wear loose fitting clothing or something to show stale YOUR body. Don't stress to much about it, because it really isn't worth it.

Full physical?

Wear support underwear.a girdle or something.

Water Orgasm..?

Your loved ones loves you the way you are.

...besides that. sit-ups.

Wht r the symptoms of yeast infectiondoes it front to uterus infection??


Why is it that everytime I work out on a consistent basis I grain sick? I get ill and even tired at times

um sit ups hurt! so I would do a awnsers search in the order of it and there is TONS of ethnic group that ask this and dont know what the thing is call but you lay flat on your back and put your hand to your side and SLOWLY bring your feet up (there together) and keep hold of your toes pointed!

Questions about UTIs, test, and STDs..?

Do not wear clothing that is too tight. It will merely make you look worse.

Semi-recently stopped smoking and gain a few pounds?

drink LOADS of water, that really help.

Am i seriously pregnant?!?

not a thing u can do will flatten ur stomach surrounded by a wk

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