Black blood on my period length?

well i had it for in the order of 4 to 3 days and the 1st days it was shady black!and then second morning redish but today again blaskish

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Dark blood is usually an indication of 2 things.

The 1st is frail blood.
Old blood goes murky to black in colour.

The 2nd is a extremely glorious iron blood count.
So your blood is so good and sound that it is high contained by the correct nurients to run healthily and is carrying excessive oxygen around turning it dark red.

But it is still arranged? I guess.
Your question states that you own had your extent for 3 or 4 days already. The 1 and 2nd day is was black?

Is it in a minute normal bright red?

If it is, don't madness. It is deffently old blood departed over from your last time. It obviuosly didn't expell it all effectively.
If this keep on happening though you may exceedingly well involve a D and C. Dialation and currette. Not for abortion purposes, but to clean out the ripened blood and left over products.
That will fix it for peace some time.

If it is still black, assuming it's been 3 or 4 days, find down to you Doctor or Gyno today.

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you should ask your doctor

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go see your Dr=that's not the style it is to be

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I think everything is going to be okay but on your subsequent doc. appt. I would mention. Or maybe you could formulate an appointment. I would not worry to much nearly it though.

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I would get checked out simply in covering. Is this the first time you noticed this? Was your extent in contact beside air..because nouns makes interval blood darker. Like fruit you set out out turns brown. Or it could be the lining of the uterus that appears to be dark than regular blood

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old blood is darker, and sometimes black. i've have that before too and asked my doctor. he said it be just antediluvian blood and it's normal the first few days of your term.

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