Does it issue if your urine sample don't get hold of tested straight away for pregnancy results.?

Can anyone tell me if it matter how long your urine sample can stay surrounded by the bottle to confirm your pregnant.I took a urine sample on tuesday morning,next took it straight to the doctors that morning.The lady on reception said to come pay for in a week for the results,i be just a bit worried if they take ages to testing it will come back glum,although i have already have 3 positive pregnancy tests that i took at home.

I own hair which is growing shrill day by time & lot of hair is falling stale. What to do?

Most doctors offices use matching type of test that you can buy within the store so you are most likely pregnant is you hold had 3 positive home test. Doctors generally will transport specimens right to the lab and they are usually kept refrigerated so they do not jump bad. The use it takes so long to grasp results is they have to skulk to receive the results from the lab, file them surrounded by your chart, then own the doctor review them and then someone will phone you or however they choose to get them to you. So the token is not really sitting around for a week you are just waiting for them to progress through their procedures.

How old be you when you had sex??

No it dont business if you already took 3 positve tests than your pregnant boo procure ready to plan for a lil one

best of luck

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