Spermicidal lubricant?

Does anybody make a lubricant beside spermicide in it? I looked adjectives over the pharmacy and didn't find anything. I am currently off of my birth control and since I requirement some lubrication anyway, I was hoping that somebody could report to me of a lubricant that has spermicide surrounded by it.

My wife got miscarriage until that time two week--?

Yep several out there. Condoms enjoy it and some lubricants. Look for nonoxonyl-9. Spermacid is one brand and KY has one also.

Period Problems. Please backing.?

Their ar eall kinds but think twice in Women's form magazine I read that using lube with spermicide can put you at a giant risk of STD's Their is something in it that can cause little lesion inside you that can be opened and here for it puts you in more risk. Any course I know KY makes one.

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