If a girl is peganant and she unawares for a baby, does vinegar abet loose it?

Hi, My name is Britney and I am anxious because my period have not came at adjectives this month. Last month it came but just for half a light of day, knowing dat it come 5 days a month faithfully. Do you know what might be wrong near me?


Why does hair grow on your Virgina and what purpose does it serve?

I know what's wrong.you're practicing unsafe sexual behaviour and you are NOT ready for the responsibility, that's what's wrong!

Get yourself a pregnancy oral exam from the drug store, or make an appointment near your doctor or Planned Parenthood and find out one way or another if you're pregnant.

And while you're within -- assuming you're not pregnant, get some sex teaching. You are seriously undereducated. Vinegar will NOT cause an abortion.

Better but, don't have sex till you're mature enough to treaty with adjectives of the serious ramifications of your whereabouts. You are obviously too not fully formed to cope.

Period with track and area?

ask your doctor

Yasmin 28 and emotional upset?

There is no mode to cause you to lose a infant. Since you might be pregnant take a assessment and find out. If you are not ready for a kid then you should NEVER enjoy sex as no birth control is 100% effective. Take the theory test and if it is positive then you obligation to go to anything plan you and your partner had contained by place if an accidental pregnancy would go down. Remember this baby did not ask to be concieved so muse twice before you label any decisions. It's not the babies failure he was concieved.

Random put somebody through the mill about health/poop?

no, vinegar will not impose you to miscarry or have an abortion. If you're untrained for the responsibiltiy that comes with sex DON'T enjoy sex!!

if you are pregnant and don't want the baby consider adoption. You still don't enjoy to deal near the baby but at least possible some other couple can be happy and the child will own a chance at vivacity.

Having discharge?

ask your doctor, but sometimes stress can cause it to be short or not to come at adjectives.
nick a test.

About to enjoy sex for the first time.?

take a preg test. If you are preg. please don't use vinegar, whether it works or not. Talk to your parents or christen someone at planparenthood. They will be able to offer you advice. You could freshly be late though. It can do that if you are stressed

What make you horny baby?

Well if a girl is unsuspecting for a baby she SHOULD NOT own intercourse PLEASE people! I am serious you should listen to your parents! Wait till you hold a job and are married! But you said are already pregnant very well I think you should see a doctor and articulate with your parents. I am not trying to be against you or anything I am trying to oblige. Please wait till you are behind the times enough meet the terms your parents!

Do i have my extent? GIRLS ONLY?

You tell us if it works, next a lot of women can hide away money on abortions. Furthermore get some birthcontrol merely a million out there now.

Came up high risk for HPV?

No sweetie. Don't do something that could possibly hurt you. Go to your doctor. Maybe you aren't PREGNANT (Notice the spelling?) but with the sole purpose a doctor can tell you for sure. If he confirms that you are not pregnant, be sure to ask him roughly speaking birth control and ways to practice safe sex to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STD's).

How can I let somebody know my wife this?

Vinegar won't help you lose the child...you should first take a theory test to see if you are pregnant, and then if you are, you should see your doctor and have a word to him/her about your option. It's your body and thankfully you still own the choice to do what you want with it. Talk to your parents to if you can, and see around getting put on birth control or start using condoms when you have sex.

Best of luck to you...

I dont know roughly you but this scares me? i miserable dont u think she be a little smarter later this?

i really do think so. at hand is a reason they made condoms. If you didnt want to carry pregant. And next time do so.But i really dont assume that vinegar helos loose. Now you gonna have do accord with this.

How much to pregnany test usually cost? say at shoppers drug mart? surrounded by canada?

Vinegar is not going to do anything but mess up your digestive track. Go see a physician. You may not be ready for a babe but sometimes when we do things that have those types of consequences we must be prepared. It's a possibility near you being so youthful that your cycle hasn't become regular, it could be pregnancy or it could be a number of other things. Whatever you do don't try to self-diagnose and don't believe adjectives the myths people articulate about drinking vinegar, slack upside down etc. They are what they are and that's old wives tale and myths. If you're afraid to go to your regular doctor nearby's usually a free clinic provided by the county in which you live within. Good Luck.

Can sleeping in a shirt wihtout a bra?

no, vinegar will not help you. citizens are going to thumbs down me big time for this, but you can give yourself an abortion short going to a doctor. research herbal abortions on the web; you will find tons of bearing to abort a fetus while in the first-trimester. however, it can be paid you sick so be careful. also, please practice safe-sex no issue if you're pregnant or not. i am pro-choice, but abortion should not be a method of birth control. be responsible, please.

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