Modeling with stretch marks or scars? HELP?

i just this minute lost a nice amount of consignment and very soon own stretch results. do you suppose that someone can still model beside stretch results? approaching can a formulate up artist cover it up.. i sent my pics to an agency and they approaching it and desires me to model within everything including swin wear and im worried b/c of my scar(stretch marks) do u have a sneaking suspicion that thier formulate up artist will cover them up for my photo shoot? or will they turn me away. i don't know what to do... they are vanishing i've be use deeply of things but i merely don't know what to do.... relieve me??

anyone have trouble near seasonique birthcontrol?

Oh sure you can! There are LOTS of foundation tricks that can be used to cover your results and scar (heck, you can even cover a tattoo beside makeup, so stretch grades are a cinch!). And most photographers falsify the photos on a computer previously printing as in good health, to give support to verbs out any stray grades or blemishes as all right. Those gorgeous models and actress you see contained by magazine and movies look immensely little similar to that surrounded by the tangible world. They go and get pimples, they own babies and resultant stretch results, they hold scar. They're only just similar to you! They lately look perfect because they've get eye shadow artists and photogs strong at work hiding their little flaws!

Congratulations on your freight loss and fitting luck near your fresh trade!

Why is it that the sunshine after I own sex I hold trouble walking?

go for it

HELP ME!! (finding my bra size)?

NO... EWWWW>>>>>!!

That's distasteful, ho! Get ur azz a tangible position! Either that or bring yo self over here and tolerate me work you!

Now, don't mention those objectionable things again, nobody requests to see that!

I'm almost 12 and have discharge when i be 9, what could this be going to, please facilitate im really worried?

Dermablend is the best makeup for body. Check it out at department stores. It's rainproof and really beefy. If they show within pictures they can be retouched. If it's a really pious eye shadow artist they can airbrush them, but they won't be smooth.

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I focus that you manifestly can... especially if you'd be looking to model for print media hype. Such a significant amount of retouching is done on every photo past it's used that stretch grades are really not an issue; I would imagine that those making decision are far more concerned next to what you in fact look similar to.

the pill-just be put on oblige?!?

go ahead and try for it, most photos are airbrushed and the results will not show up within the photos.

Sinuses and Discharge. Kinda pictographic. SORRY!?

if they really want you all they'll do is airbrush them out beside the computer and if they ask you around them purely recommend they do that. i'm sure they hold sweet makeup to cover them too. dont permit the damn things shy you away. nearly adjectives women own a few somewhere. i hold them on my stomach and thighs. what charitable of creams hold you used anyway?

Is anal sex sanitary?

Oh ya.You've distinctly never see pictures of models short adjectives their makeup and everything else.Many enjoy stretch results and other "flaws".The makeup artists who fix up models are angelic.They gotta be.Not to mention they will airbrush your picture on a computer probably too.

Does this give the impression of being usual? First period?

First of adjectives, to everyone who said "airbrushed," you don't know what your chitchat give or take a few. Pictures are not airbrushed anymore. With the digital age things are presently done next to pixel manipulation. So my direction is to be honest beside the modeling agency, turn forward next to the photos, and after ask them to retouch the photos. (Which they will do anyway) These days you don't own to be sound, single hold confidence contained by yourself.

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