My husband ejaculate terribly nippy..How to generate him long ending..Kindly suggest..Thanh you surrounded by mortgage..?


Women And Girls ONLY?

Ten tips on how to eliminate premature ejaculations are given below. The easiest (and cheapest) things first ..

The stop and start technique
The breathing technique
The squeeze technique
Wear a condom
Masturbate first
Different sexual positions
Desensitizing cream
Pelvic muscle exercise
Herbal treatments
Testicular restraint and penis ring

Tips in more details...

Stop and start technique
This technique simply manner to bring yourself to (near) the point of no return, and stopping all stimulation before it's too overdue. For some men, this includes removal of the penis from the vagina, although for others this may not be necessary.

After the urgent feeling to ejaculate subsides, usually after 30 second, then thrusting and intercourse can be resumed. This stop and start technique can be repeated several times.

Communication is the key here, guys. Let your partner know that you are getting close to orgasm and to slow down or temporarily stop.

In appendix to intercourse, the stop and start technique can also be practiced with your hand, next to or without lubricant.

Remember to breathe...
Believe it or not, breathing deeply and relaxing your body during intercourse can comfort! This works best for premature ejaculation that is caused by anxiety or tautness.

Because of its relaxing effect, some men report that drinking one (just one ,guys) glass of red wine before lovemaking can facilitate.

For others, distracting oneself by thinking about other things like the bureau or football can also help to prevent premature ejaculation. Just remember not to think audibly!

The squeeze technique
This technique involves gently squeezing the base or lapse of the penile shaft and stopping sexual stimulation until the urge to ejaculate passes. The squeezing can be done by either the man or his partner, and can be repeated until ejaculation is desired.

Wear a condom
One of the most overlooked simple cures of premature ejaculation is to wear a condom. Besides human being a good practice against sexually transmitted diseases and as a contraceptive, a condom can help use up the sensation and thus prolong sex.

Masturbate first
Masturbating first a couple of hours before making love can result in the increased skill to last longer. Unfortunately, this often reduce the man's desire for sex.

Different sexual positions
Some men reach orgasm and ejaculate faster in the traditional missionary position (man on top). These men may ultimate longer when their partner is on top. Remember, however, that sexual position preference varies outstandingly widely.

Changing positions every so often can also help, probably by giving the man brief pauses during lovemaking every now and consequently.

Desensitizing cream
Desensitizing cream works by lessening the sensation felt by men during intercourse. Although it lengthen staying power for many men, it comes with a price: most of these men said that the cream also make sex less pleasurable.

Be sure to tell your partner that you are using desensitizing cream. Unfortunately, the dulling effect can also be transferred and feel by the woman, making it longer for her to reach orgasm (which may be one of the reasons a man feel he's not lasting long enough surrounded by the first place!).

Pelvic muscle exercise
Would you believe that an exercise usually reserved for incontinent women can help a man prevent premature ejaculation?

In a woman, pregnancy and childbirth are the main rationale of the weakening of the pelvic floor muscle. This usually leads to womanly incontinence. The good news is that a simple pelvic muscle exercise (also call Kegel exercise) can help.

The same pelvic muscle is also involved in the ejaculation process (if you must know, the contraction of the pelvic muscle forces the seminal or ejaculate fluid from the prostate gland). This finances that for a man, the same pelvic muscle exercise can help gain control over his premature ejaculation.

The pelvic muscle exercise is simple: "flex" the pelvic muscle as if you are holding subsidise from or stopping urination. Hold the muscle for about three to five seconds, relax for going on for three seconds, and repeat. With practice, you should be able to work your channel up to hold your pelvic muscle for ten seconds and do as many as one hundred contractions per year.

Remember, you can do this discreet exercise at almost anytime and in any place.

Herbal treatment
There are many herb for men's sexual health available in the open market today. Some of these, such as yohimbe and maca extracts, are basically stimulants and may have unwanted side effects, especially for elder men.

A very promising herb is purified Tribulus terrestris extract, available under the brand label Libilov. Taken regularly, Tribulus has been proven by tons scientific medical studies to help men overcome premature ejaculation in need side effects. Moreover, the herb helps boost sex drive, increases stamina and control, and even improves sensation. Visit Libilov for Men for more information.

Testicular restraint
Gently restraining the testicles from moving during intercourse can aid some men from ejaculating prematurely. Although some found it uncomfortable or too much hassle, testicular restraint is mostly safe. It can be purchased discreetly through erotic mail-order companies.

Taking cues from the squeeze technique and a vacuum device for impotence, an erotic device called a penis ring or strip works to prevent premature ejaculation in some (adventurous) men. Here, a stretchy rubber ring on the base of the penis does the squeezing. Some men, however, surface slight discomfort during intercourse when wearing this ring.

Premature ejaculation can be treated

The tips above have been reported to relieve about 95% of men to prolong their lovemaking. Remember to be sure to contact your health provider if you grain that you have a severe premature ejaculation problem

Hope it will help you :-)

If you approaching the answer please pick as best answer .. Cheerssss!!!

Am i becoming more anemic?

if you go on top, ride him so its deep inside of you, he will probably ending a little longer(not by much though)

you could always achieve that cream that you put on the guys penis to make it less sensitive. it is usually sold where you find condoms.

Vagina problems?

You know about supari, in south india they uses big suparis call KOTTAI PAKKU. He has to chew them before he comes lying on you and hold it in between the tooth while doing his job. This path he will have more time on you.

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Ive got exactly equal problem i could light a cigarette take one drag and hes finished ive started making him masturbate an hour beforehand we have sex

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My wife had complain in the order of my early ejaculation. I started wearing double condoms, now she say finish it quick, quick I'm coming. U may try this asking ur husband to wear 2 condoms.

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rahul give you the best answer.but from experience..the stop and go technique really works well for my hubby..and it allows time for other things too...close to more four play!

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please mail back to me ... may b i could guide you beside few tecnics: shasank_salvi12(a)

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