Cyst, birthcontrol, Pregnant?

Could I be pregnant? here's the story.I had really doomed to failure pains sat. hours of darkness, so monday i went to the hospital and found out that i have a cyst on my right ovary that ruptured and another cyst on my left ovary to be precise still there. I have just started my third pack of birth control and the birth control cause this, because it stopped me from ovulating which caused both cysts to grow. Anyway, I didn't know what to do, so i didn't bring the bc monday or tuesday. Wed. I went to the gyno and found out that i should verbs taking it. Right afterwards.. i think i started my extent (even though i wasn't supposed to for another two weeks), but i guess i started it because i skipped two days. Anyway.. i took two bc today and two yesterday (what the gyno told me to do)... and then today i have unprotected sex... anyway.. my question is out of adjectives this confusion with cysts and birth control, could i obtain pregnant w/ cysts, since i missed the bc those days?

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I am sorry to read out no one can answer you such a cross-examine. The answer might be a No or a Yes right? How can one know how fertile you are? You will have to linger for your next length to find out, no use taking a pregnancy test presently. I hope, for your sake, that you are not pregnant. By the way if the BC end in you cysts why does your gyno encourage you to verbs using it?

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