Whats a angelic trick to making the vagina tight besides kegel exercises?


Menstrual question?

lone kegel , or abstinence

Missing a time of year, not pregnant?

get a designer vagina operation to make it smaller

or grasp a boyfriend with a gelatinous wand


Magic 8 ball say " Oh my ': O"

Late Period!? LADIES only!?

Not sleeping beside every dick that comes along.

How can i lose the weight surrounded by my arms,belly,and chest?

push a ham up into it and pull the bone out

Provera, does it own side effects?

stop fukin

For those with fibromyalgia and contained by perimenopause?

i heard one woman said that horseback riding did it for her.soo tight after a while that it hurt her boyfriend!

PMT!! Please help!!?

Douche next to apple cider vinegar. Buy the douche(Summer's Eve, etc) empty it out and imbue it with the vinegar and river, but douche first when in the shower and after wash near soap cause it might burn if u clean up first. Try not to have sex too soon afterwards though explanation it will hurt at first.

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I hold heard several elder women say that the seasoning ALUM made into any a paste or a douche next to water and applied inside will "draw up" the vaginal walls and brand it tighter. (I've never tried it, but I know it WILL make you pucker up if you grasp it in your mouth...my mom used it on my sister to find her to quit sucking her thumb and you should see the faces she would spawn - lol.) Also, masturbating just previously sex can cause increased blood flow to the vagina cause it to swell and appear more full.

Sharp pain contained by lower stomach during sex.?

I heard this from a friend a while final...If you douche try heating up the douche for a moment. Not hot lol ...you don't want to burn your cho-cha. Or like use a aimless douche bottle and put hot enough sea that you can stand and douche with that beforehand sex. Just try it. :)

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