
i miscarried in november and in janurary i broke up with my husband i have lost 2 stone contained by weight since next is this normal? the doc said it is commonplace to lose weight after losing a little one but im worried its too much in such a short space of time!

Are you pregnant if blood is present when you urinate and it is uncomfortable?more than two weeks after having sex?

firstly, so sorry for your loss. I presume if your GP have indicated that he is not overly worried about your weightloss later try not to worry for the moment as this may increase your stress level and then you probably forget to guzzle or feel to upset etc and you finale up in a vicious circle.

you enjoy had like mad to deal next to in freshly a few short months and its understandable if the result of this horrible term in your enthusiasm has resulted within you losing weight.

also www.babyworld.co.uk is a great site and have an excellent network of compassionate individuals who give great direction.

Best wishes for the future.

Period dillema?

go to
and look at the grief and loss board for more proposal

I think i enjoy a hernia in my stomach and its realy effecting on my time?

After loosing your baby it's majority to loose weight.
It sounds close to you're under alot of stress that's the rationale of the sudden weight loss.
Take charge of yourself. Go to the Dr if it makes you have a feeling better.
Have some fun and ge some excercise - light walking and fresh nouns will help you consistency better.
I'm sorry all of this have happened to you.
I hope you bring well soon.

How do you know if you own an infection your vagina?!?

It's VERY normal. I lost seriously of weight on one and only a month after my miscarriage, but if you weight loss continues after 2-3 months engineer sure your doctor knows something like it. (That's what mine told me) Hope this helps.

I dislike intensely myself and have a highly low self esteem?

please name what you lost and prey to them and i promise adjectives will be well .

Embarassing girls solitary pls?

I would expect the weight loss is down to the stress you own experienced with losing your tot and then splitting beside your partner. Take some time for yourself to grieve and hopefull you will gain some of the weight, or at tiniest feel better contained by yourself.
I wish you every delight in the adjectives. xxx

Is it normal to be shy if u are growing breasts and too shy to show it.?

You are patently under seriously of stress my love. Losing a baby, and afterwards the end of your relationship, this finances you are mourning the loss of quite deeply.

You need to travel and speak to your doctor, just to acquire your blood pressure checked. Ensure that you are eating properly and filch some vitamin supplements. You will have lost profusely of nutrients from your body when you had the miscarriage.

Take comfort of yourself and try to remain positive. It's hard, I know, but you will bring there.

Period Stuff (girls one and only!)?

yes, i lost a lot of counterbalance too, it is a horendous thing that have just happenned to you and i am sorry., and also losing your partner so soon after, try to build touself up over the subsequent week or so and ifyou are not gaining i would travel back to the doc, and enjoy a chat, you might need some help out to get through this, filch care.

Ok to own sex ?

having had a miscarriage myself, i in a minute how you must be feeling, your graving for your infant, that's what it was to you, folks say try again, don't immediately how old you are, but you own the added stress of a break up with a partner,you are also coming to lingo with individual on your own, counseling may help, ask your Dr more or less it, sometimes talking things through beside some one not connected to circle of family and friends give support to. the weight loss is a symptom, and will rectify itself surrounded by time, give your self time to gr eave

Too Much Sunn ?!?!?!?

Try not to verbs too much
When you go through the trauma of a miscarriage, followed by splitting up near a partner, the worry & turmoil of it adjectives can cause solidity loss. You may have stopped looking after yourself so much, you may not be sleeping as all right, you may be keeping yourself busier & not snacking as much?
If you go subsidise to your old routines, put away well, try to sleep ably & you continue to lose solidity then progress back to your doctor.
I hope you consistency better soon

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Hi there have a miscarriage 5 years ago and i lost abit of weight too (went vertebrae on though) lol, i was depressed nearly it and was surrounded by denial and didn't know it, you will be ok you will get through these 2 big hurdles surrounded by your life, If stipulation be you should talk to someone, But when your in position someone else will come into your life, that loves you and respects you and you will become pregnant again, I did i very soon have 2 Beautiful little girls, your weightiness loss should be fine Chin up sweety and take diligence

What's menopause?

the weight loss is more probable due to your break up and high stress level cause your hormones will be adjectives over the place

the heartbreak diet guaranteed to lose lbs

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I don't know if it's run of the mill to lose weight after losing a babe (i gained a couple of stone beside hormone problems!) It could be thyroid related but it is probably more to do with the losses you hold sustained in such a short time. Make sure you don't miss meal and if you feel you can't devour then try to enjoy a smoothy by mixing, milk, banana or berries in a blender and take vitamin and mineral supplements. I contemplate your body needs some TLC as okay as your emotions so I would recommend vegetable juice to help build yourself put a bet on up. After my miscarriage I would put carrot, celery and spinach into a juicer, dilute and drink every day and it help me a lot contained by terms of iron level and energy. Also call round a doctor for a full medical check up including iron tests and thyroid. over adjectives be good to yourself. Life will get hold of better in time.

Please answer!?

so sorry to hear just about your miss.

ive had three miscarriages and lost twins second time around but go on to have another respectable child i also has an elder daughter already.

it is so painfull and stressful that it is no wonder you have lost solidity especially losing your partner as well.

you cant support but wonder if you did something wrong and you can feel guilty but the truth is that its almost other natures path of ending an unsound pregnancy.

im sure it will all come right surrounded by time.if you're still worried i'd suggest you see your doctor again incase you are anaemic or something like that.

put away plenty rest plenty and try and think positive.sooner or later you will meet your existence partner and when you do have kids you will look support like i did and think" if i hadn't miscarried then
i woudn't enjoy the beautiful children i own now"

look after yourself babe and i hope you go on to enjoy many delicate children.

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