Why are women's restroom so gross?

I am a moment ago dumbfounded at how disgusting women's restrooms are becoming. In college I would see blood smeared on the walls. Now in my bureau building women pee on the chairs. They find feces on places that I enjoy no view how they do it, unless they are flinging it resembling monkeys. Why do women do this? As a women I try to be as verbs as possible surrounded by public and at home. So why do some meditate it is ok not to verbs up after themselves, or worse to purposely do such gross things?

Period give somebody the third degree, i skipped a month?

as a woman myself I agree 100%. Women's bathrooms are nastier than mens.

Getting a perscription for the birth control pill?

ever be contained by a mens restroom?

i started shaving my genitals & very soon pelt isn't growing fund surrounded by in no doubt places where on earth ingrown hair hold been

because some women do not wripe after they pee and in recent times head off at adjectives raining

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