Upset stomach while on period-how to grain better?

when i am on my period, i go and get really gassy and burpy and my lower stomach feels approaching i am having diarrea but i never in truth have diarrea...i don't give attention to there is anything seriously wrong or anything...i in recent times want some tips on how to soothe it and just put together it go awayyyy!! ughh! i HATE BEING A WOMAN!

Can't step swimming with time unless tampon?

Ahhh this happens to me too! It's awful being at institution, as you can imagine.

The one and only way I've found is taking Pepto-Bismal up to that time bed each dark while I'm on my period. I don't be going to to be gross, but it usually makes me enjoy a bowel movement in the morning, but it's better than have one at school lol.

Heating pad can help receive the gas out silently, if you are home to have it on.

Oh, they own those cramp pads that you stick on your tummy and they are thaw out... it's like a muscle relaxer, but they trademark them for female cramping. Try that.

Hm... perchance try eating more veggies and fruits. When I'm on my term, and the week before, I cut out adjectives sodas from my diet, and try to eat mostly yogurt, fruit, granola bar, etc, for snacks and such. I've found that having 100% liquid in my body during that time really help lessen the gas and the diarrhea feeling.

If these things don't minister to, try talking to your doctor.

Ummmm relief with my length?

same thing for me! if you carry any answers ill b sure to check them out effect id really similar to to know how to help this! apposite luck and sorry!

This question is 4 gurls single!?

lets start out with some gas relieving meds resembling mylanta, or tums to sooth your tummy. then try tylenol or motrin to harmony your cramps...try and prop your feet up and bear it easy for a bit.try and relax even when your hurting, its tough, but you can do it..gratitude..

Its been six weeks since i stopped birth control Combined contraceptive pill, still no time of year, is this normal?

I would try the BRAT diet - it's adjectives for children who are sick. Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. It's supposed to calm the stomach and stop any diarrhea. Actually, it works relatively well - I'm sure other mom's out in that can attest to that.

Good luck and feel better :)

Please relief!!?

uughh this allways happens to lol men dont know how assured they got it. Anyway what i do (and dont laugh) is use my shower organizer (the kind you can detach) and put it on a giant setting and sort of massage be the pain is. If you dont enjoy one or cant get to one (if your at school/work) try getting the nouns worm by rubbing it or massaging it beside your hands. It may look wierd, but hey it works right?

hope i help

My friend stole my ipod!!?

i know i totally hate it too! but wat i do is i drink coffee (caffine make you feel better) get through bananas (for potassium) exersise (gets your muscles moving) take medication geared towars that sort of thing (cheap at local drug stores close to walgreens) sleeping (takes yr mind off it) i really hoped i help. im on my period right immediately too and i feel indistinguishable way you do. it sux person a woman but hey at least yr not a stupid guy! lol k biddable luck!

Can you swim on your period?

I just this minute started using Shaklee (and now flog it after seeing the results!) and they have a supplement call "GLA Complex" that helps beside issues like you are experiencing. I own heard heaps people influence they combine it with Shaklee's Basics beside amazing results.

You can visit to read more something like it. And if you want any more information, let me know. Good luck.

When you gain older does your.?

Drink sprite soda and guzzle saltine crackers. Works for me

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