When you get elder does your.......?

It was brought to my attention that as women go and get older they lose some of their smell downstairs(you know what I mean) is that true?

Seeking phamacology-based response just about cramping and birth control?

The vagina normally have a slight musky odor, which some men find exciting. Age has nil to do with poor hygiene, or a vaginal infection, which are largely the causes of strong or unpleasant odors "downstairs". I wonder where on earth you're getting your information, because your statement is not true.

This is driving me crazy!?



that smells fishy to me...

Post D&C question.?

there is no odor if your feminine stays clean adjectives the time (very similar to that of a man...if he stays clean..in attendance is no odor)--have your female friend shower at tiniest a minimum of 1x per day -- and bath up prior to and after a sexual encounter

Dark pastey menstrual cycle?

Normally, there is not much "smell" within that area. Although, poor hygiene conduct will cause an unpleasant odor.

All I can voice is YUCK! Take a shower if you stink!

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