My friend stole my ipod!!?

We were best friends for 5 years and whenever she comes to my house she ends up borrowing something. Howeverm whenever I run to her house I can't even touch anything. the other day she come over and was listen to my Ipod and when she left the ipod be gone and she set it down somewhere and me and my mom looked everywhere for it and it was nowhere to be found!! I call her to convince her to give it spinal column but she still lies that she doesn't have it!! I dont trust her anymore description that we aren't friends and that means that I am departed here friendless. PLEASE HELP ME!

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yeah, I agree near the person until that time me. talk to her going on for it, and if she still says she didn't transport it..ask her where she put it..and if it's not at hand, try to remember if you moved it somewhere, and when ur sure you didn't move it, you need to do something. this individual isn't worth it if she's going to take your stuff. if you're really pissed roughly it, then you could progress to the police. she's really but first see if she remembers where on earth she put it, and if it's not there, consequently go over to her house and look for it. or something=]

oh and be paid sure she knows that she be the last individual that used it/touched it, so wherever it is, she put it here.

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punch her

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talk 2 her almost it

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GET A NEW FRIEND. Enter those contests to get a exotic ipod online.

A question for the girls!!?

Better to be friendless for a time than to hold friends like that. Join bebo you can come across lots of kids there.

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pull her spike. What a b i t c h.

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Or just bear sumthin from her, and make her confess.

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KILL HER!!! jk but u should go to her house... still friends... and nick her most valuable entry. she will ask for it back and be close to i dont have it... singular give it to her when she give u ur ipod back

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Posession is 9/10 of the law. You cannot prove that she have or doesn't have it, and she isn't going to budge. I own a really good suggestion for you. It may not bring your iPod stern, but it'll get her entitle on the record next to the authorities. Call the police department and have a report file. Give her name and every piece of info you hold on her. The only problem is you didn't see her in actuality remove it from your property, but she was the finishing one to have it within your home. So, this will give you plenty leverage to at least directory a police report. Look at it this way, she's not correct enough to enjoy as a friend. If you cannot trust a person, here's no reason to hold them as a friend. She abused that trust, she needs to settle for it. File the report. Call a cop over to your house. They'll write out a report. Have your mom present as a "witness" of some sort, even though she didn't see her remove the iPod, either. What you want is for this ex friend's nickname to be placed in the police transcript. That way, if she does this, or anything else again, her autograph will be on file, and that will be to your benefit, or a potential other friend's benefit. Good luck.
Additions: I of late read some of the other responses and I honestly don't think that those pieces of suggestion are smart. You need to clear yourself of doing anything unpromising towards her. If you do something bad to her, resembling take her expensive possession, you cannot report her. Also, what if the iPod really is somewhere in your house and she hide it before she departed? You don't want to take something from her and risk have it bite you in your butt. Also, don't inflict bodily impair on her. That's also not smart. You need to play it safe and sound and wise. Once you start a tussle, it's up hill from within, honey, and it won't get any better. You stipulation to nip it in the bud and report her to the police. Let the police bar it. They're skilled at handling these things, you're not. So, leave her alone! Drop her as a friend, report her to the police, and verbs with your go. Save up for another iPod and don't loan it to ANYONE!!

PLEASE MEN ONLY: i just wonder how does it discern and taste a woman's fruit?

tell her if she really didn't bring it then where on earth did she put it before she left
or newly find a new a trial friend

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/Erin. you wont like my answer but.. you didn't see her bear it.. and there might be a slim possibility she didn't purloin it.. and if you found it 3 months down the road.. you would regret the choice you made and that you didn't trust her. So, look some more and don't be to quick to regard as being.

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