Its be six weeks since i stopped birth control Combined contraceptive pill, still no period, is this common?

Its been six weeks since i stopped birth control Combined contraceptive pill, still no term, is this normall? i have done 2 pregnancy test and negative so this is not the crust. When did you get your time back? i did win brown discharge lasting for 3 days, 4weeks after stopping BC, could this stale been some category of period? When should i see a doc? I am 21 and own been on BC for 3years

Is it true that a vagina get loose after giving birth?

Some people will take back on agenda right away. Others, like me...aren't so lucky. I go off BC contained by the end of December...I wait and waited...three denial HPT tests then...I finally went to the doctor within the end of February. Who know how long I would have have to wait if I wouldn't enjoy gone in when I did!

I have a blood test...and my hormones be a bit off since I hadn't ovulated. He prescribed Prometrium, which is a progesterone that I took to kick start my period again. You hold the medicine for around 7 days and then it create your lining to shed.

The subsequent month I got my time of year in a wonderful 28 daylight cycle. The following month, my hubby and I were pregnant. I'm presently 12 weeks!

I would call for an appointment in the subsequent few weeks or so. (if it takes a while to achieve in...nickname soon=) Prometrium did the trick for me. It took some patience...but it concluded up being a great solution contained by the end!

Hope this help!!

Vaginal discharge while preg?

It's perfectly common, it takes a bit for your body to adjust after you stop taking the pill.
It took around 3 months for me to grasp my period subsidise. If it takes longer than that you might want to walk see the doctor but in the meantime wallow in the break.

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