Abortion? right or wrong?

Answers:    its a personal choice.
different situations need different schedule
Right if it is the woman's choice and the only bearing she feels she can settlement with that situation. its a personal choice really, but it depends on the situation also, its not other wrong.
Keep the laws out of my ovaries.Thanks. i suggest that abortion is terrible! a woman will be disappeared emotionally scarred! you will other wonder what you missed.
But on the other hand, it also depends on the situation.
I feel it's wrong. They have pictures of the embryos in actuality drawing back from the scalpel/vacuum, even when they're that youthful. When doctors go into the womb for operating on babies for spina bifida, the babies in truth reach out and take their finger the whole time.
I consistency that even that small, they're still a person. This is something that you HAVE to ask yourself if you are considering it. Our opinion shouldn't matter...it should be your choice. Anyhow, I get the impression that abortion is wrong, however, i feel that every women should enjoy a choice with what they do next to themselves/future kids. If it was up to me, I'd read out adoption, however this is your choice and you have to clear it. Good luck.
It is really dependant on the person and the unbroken situation.

I personally don't agree beside it but i have never be in a situation where on earth it may be an issue.
I can't have children and frequent people may chew over that i would be totally agaist abortion but it is up to the indivual and i would never judge anyone if they contracted to opt for abortion.
i feel its right if youve be raped. your life is on the string.
i feel its not right if your doing it for birth control. I am pro Choice i consistency its the womens choice. but i do feel its wrong to enjoy an abortion when baby is at 8 weeks and over. but again its the womwns choice.
Its so deeply right. unfortunately it is forbidden here in ireland so if i ever have the misfortune of getting pregnant id enjoy to fly to england for one. abortion is absoulutly wrong! if u didnt want it why'd you do it in the first place! u could hand over it to somone who wants it except to kill it!

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