Recently after my period(for 10 days i devise during my ovulation) something similar albumen comes .?

out of mt vaginal. I am virgin and i am so fearfull that is it somthing wrong near me or is it dangorus?

A personal sxual question (serious)?

No, it's not dodgy, it's normal. What happen is that the mucous in the vagina change depending on where you are contained by your cycle, to help the sperm run up your vagina to your cervix during the times you're ovulating. You will find that when you ovulate, the mucous becomes almost stringy, resembling a ladder for the sperm to climb. When you're not ovulating, it will be almost sticky. It's zilch to worry nearly. However, if it ever develops an odor and looks like cottage cheese, later that would be a yeast infection, and you should go to a doctor. Otherwise, what you enjoy now is middle-of-the-road, so don't worry.

Wat happen if some one dos an anal sex ?

I think everything is OK. Take accurate care of your soul and body and pray...God help you every day!
Have a great existence!

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