There's a considerable red spot on my left breast... please answer, I'm anxious.?

Two days ago I woke up and found a red patch/spot on my left breast on the upper side. It doesn't itch, it doesn't hurt. But it's a a bit large, bright red spot/patch that seem to grow overnight. When I press on it, it feels lumpy. It's slightly raise. Also, when I press on it, the redness disappears and reappear as soon as I stop pressing.

I've read a bit about inflammatory breast cancer and I am alarmed out of my mind. Can breast cancer even start out this way? With a red lump? I hold no breast pains.

Any insight on what this could be? I'm only 22, I don't think through this at all. :(


Go to a doctor if it is on the surface it could be surrounded by the skin top layers not to verbs about cancer if it is on the surface
Below the surface lump is a verbs and I wont say cancer but pays looking into
See a doctor do not spend too much time near squeeze into bra or lie on your chest...The theory there is a to budge in a different direction next to it ...wash linnen and start out fresh.]
Do bring back to Medical help even stop pressing on it l ruminate you are going to be just fine ...They can prevent and stop things from going uncontrolled at the doctors office...

Very Odd Question, But?

see a could be only just a can get zits anywhere on your body...

Can you estimate the cost of a follicule stimulating hormone audition?

I'm not sure but you should have it looked at. Its possible that you could own a case of ring worm. I suggest going to google and typing in ring worm and look at the imagery and see if any resemble whats going on. If so ...all you necessitate is a tube of ointment that runs roughly speaking 3-4 bucks. (oh and it doesn't have to itch to be ringworm either) well-mannered luck

When having sex?

See a doctor. Chances are it is nil. At your age, breast cancer is not likely.
If, then again, you have a house history of breast cancer, push the doctor for a mammogram. Some are still "old school" and will prohibit to even consider cancer in someone underneath 40. do not let them sweep the issue beneath the rug. My wife's cancer was probably starting when she be 31-33, but doctors did not take it seriously until she be 35 and it had grown to the point that you could see it on the outside of the skin.

Regardless, every woman should practice self-examinations monthly.

Stretch mark off question. 2 question in one! Women with the sole purpose!?

get a traditional massage . if nearby is a cancer you ,it will apear behind your nipple first. not to verbs. or you can ask this person [email protected]

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