My nipples have hurt really fruitless for two weeks? whats going on?


Anyone have solidity gain from menopause?

it may be a number of things such as change due to ur period, pregnancy, stress or infection. See ur form care provider.

What does "anterior cervix" be set to?

Could you be pregnant? That is a sign of pregnancy. You may want to get a urine theory test to rule that out as a reason for your nipple twinge.

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did u have them pierced? r u pregnant?

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Malhandling? Use a soothing cream/lotion like calamine.

Swallow Semen ?

U Might Have Brest Cancer

Could this be possible?

You could be ovulating...

You could be growing...

You could be prego...

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Changes in your body during pregnancy can move your nipples felling senstive and can also impose them to hurt. If pregnancy is not likely I would consider the other things in your time that could be affecting you. You may also be ovulating which can cause this aching as well. Do you hold any dishcarge from the nipples? Discharge along with torment could be a sign of something more serious, I would discuss this with your doctor if these symptoms are present. If not, and the strain persists for a few more days I would brand name an appt just to be on the undisruptive side.

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