When do girls stop growing?
Many say between 16 and 20, but i dont know??
Im 15 nearly 16 and almost 5'2. I want to be atleast 5'6.
Is it possible?/

What can i do to grow!!

(How do you know if youve sopped growing??)

Please help me

12points to detail examples ecT!!

Answers:    For the most fragment, you can't do anything about it. Females stop growing around the age of 18, so you might enjoy a little bit gone, but chances are it won't be much. It's pretty safe and sound to say you will never realize 5'6 if you are 5'2 now.

Some things that you can do to increase your distance from the ground a little bit is yoga/stretching or using an inversion table for nearly 10-20 mins per day. Get proper exercise and nutrition is huge.

Otherwise, start study to love your height as you are presently.
you dont grow all at once when you are going to hold a growth spert you stop growning then you grown

freshly give it time your 15 and you should grow a few more inches be for your done growing
Calm down, you're not fully grown however. I'm 21 and 5"7, i've been that point maybe since i be 18/19 so i'm finished. If you want an estimate of what height you'll be, embezzle a look at your mam or sisters, you'll probably end up around duplicate as them. Well you usually stop growing around 18
you might not grow that much more.
maybe going on for 3-4 more inches.
i am thirteeen and just have a recent major growth spurt
and grew going on for 3 more inches
so if you haven't had a focal growth spurt lately
then you should grow give or take a few 3 more inches and then 1-2 inches from after on.
Girls normally manage their full height potential around the age of 15. Well, at the distinct risk and next to a certainty of man called a wiseguy...

You stop growing when you stop research. :)

Seriously, you're talking of your growth spurts and "climb" to your recognized and final adult distance from the ground. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but it well could be that you're nearly done. How much have you grown contained by the last three years? Also, how much own you physically matured? (for example, if you've not yet started your period, I'd say you hold a much greater chance of tallying some more height contained by the coming years, as it's a clear indication that you still have growing to do)

Last of adjectives, I'm sorry dear... but at this point in go, you're going to pretty much grow as much as you're going to grow. My only proposal would be to eat a honest diet, get plenty of exercise and sleep. Give your body every fate to "be all that it can be", to steal a vein from the Army.

THE answer is!!
.you shall grow to be 5 '4
not a hair longer or the math..
seriously .. how high-ceilinged are your mom and dad and other family member...that's a pretty good indication. I have a sneaking suspicion that most girls are still growing all the style through high college...I know I was.
Well everyone is different but I enjoy a daughter that is 14 and she hasnt grown any within over a year. how do you STOP GROWING!.

im 12 and 5'2 and still i keep on growing!.

i dont wanna be a giant :(

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