What could be wrong?

Im 30 years old and have what i would say an unusual interval last month.. zilch like it in general is... so far this month i havent had one at adjectives. Im 99% sure im not pregnant.. I've had my tubes tied for 3 years immediately. I know there is a slight prospect of still becoming pregnant... but i havent had any symptoms or anything. Some influence stress can cause it, but I dont grain like i've be stressed lately. Anyone have an thinking of what might be going on here and if it could be serious?

I am on the pill for the sole purpose of preventing my period, but i am still getting a insubstantial period? why?

Ur a short time ago having irregular period it happens to us


You did not describe what you expected by "unusual". If you are talking going on for excessive bleeding, there can be lots of cause, and only your doctor can integer that out, not somebody on Yahoo.

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