I am on the pill for the sole purpose of preventing my term, but i am still getting a light time of year? why?

As i said, im on the pill for the sole purpose of preventing my period, but even though the pill should be preventing the length i am getting an irregular, very hurricane lantern period that last for about a week. this happen around my usual period time. but shouldn't the pill be preventing this? or is it something else? gratitude :)

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If you are on the pill you will have a term.

The only pill that I know of that prevents period is a new pill call Lybrel.

Seasonale is another pill but allows four periods a year.

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I guess it depends on the pill and how long you've been on it. If it is bothersome you should nickname your doctor, maybe they can switch your pills. I am on pills, but, not Seasonale, I a moment ago take them adjectives the time without taking the placebo pills exact I get migraines around term time. So, check with them and ask. Though it may stop after a while, I'd ask.

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Pills on shorten and peroxide your peiod. They aren't supposed to completely stop it.

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It depends on the type of pill you are taking. The average pill will not prevent your periods of late regulate them. You should call your doctor and ask in the region of a different pill to prevent periods.

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