For anyone who's taken Loestrin?

I have ovarian cysts and the lone cure I've found for me is birth control. I used to take Ovcon and I like it and never noticed any unpromising side effects but I didn't bother renewing my prescription. A few months later my cysts be back so I go to the women's clinic at my college and asked to try Loestrin. Well I just finished the first pack and the vastly first day I took it (I have to take two to pick up up for the week) I felt class of "cracked out" if you know what I mean.. I be really talkative and hyper and I didn't know if it be the Loestrin or what. So I took the rest of the pack as normal and I started exactly 3 weeks ago to the daylight and I've been moderately depressed for over 2 weeks now. Some days are better than others but for the most division I am never like this. I am instrument more irritable than usual and there's be days where I've in recent times been crying for no valid origin at all. Has anyone else experienced this while on Loestrin? And does anyone enjoy suggestions for other birth control?

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I am finishing my end pack (#9) of Loestrin 24 Fe. I am switching because of breakthrough bleeding about twice every month, not including getting my time of year. I also noticed Ihave be very moodey former times few months. those ar the only side effects I've have. Hope everything works out for you!

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