Is it discouraging for teenage girls to hold baths?

A source told me that it is harmful to girls who enjoy just hit puberty to whip baths. Is this true?

What do you do if you get your time of year and don't have a wad or tampon handy?

The only time a tub is a problem is if you suffer from yeast infections. Sitting in a bath can minister to the yeast grow and cause more infections in the adjectives. If you're not taking a bath everyday, you should be fine!

Pre Menstrual Tension.?


How much am I suppost to weigh?

no, it's fine. essentially they can help beside cramps.

I need minister to organizing my vivacity!?

i havent heard that

Do breast escalation pills and creams actually work?

no it fine

Are near any muslims in this wedge and do they condemn terrorism?

not true at all! give somebody a lift all the baths you want!

The Pill and antibiotics?!?!?

no. its desperate to not have baths. lol

I started my time May 2005 and it was drastically irregular, Now it still is very irregular?

why would it be unpromising.if u dont wash your vagina, you can develop a wicked smell and some guys might find that kinki but other ppl might not.

Is at hand really anyway to get rid of cellulite?

not true

Pain in my back/side during sex?

you can transport baths but sometimes if ur in for too long it can be unfavourable because ur just sitting they and adjectives ur body's dirt can go inside u

Could It Be Likely That I Have Re-curring Toxic Shock Syndrone?

Nope, its a myth honey. Baths are enormously relaxing!

Period Problems?

It isn't harmful at adjectives. Make sure you clean and rinse the tub biddable before you get hold of in it though, especially if you enjoy smelly brothers who use it too. And becareful what soaps and bath gel you use, go for something geared for sensitive skin because some of the harsher soaps can cause Urinary Tract Infections. I've experienced a few UTIs from taking baths and i couldn't integer out why it was occurring, but it turned out it was the shower gel i be using. It was floating "up there" and irratating me, so i a moment ago switched to a baby soap, lavendar, it smells right and it doesn't irritate anything!

Serious question here!?

ive never hear anything like that up to that time.

My sister is 16 years old, and she is facing some condition problems?

Wy would anyone think that! It's a myth

Firming boobs by orgasm?

I enjoy never heard of that in the past, warm baths habitually help for tired tender mucles and may also help for menstral cramps

When you are on or more or less to go on your time do you eat more? Is this middle-of-the-road or am I just strange?

NO, there is NOTHING wrong near taking a bath... it's not going to create you to grow yeast or whatever else. Just don't use bubble tub or harsh soaps which can disrupt your pH level and THAT can cause problems next to yeast or UTIs.

What will it do?

u should take a hip bath

How can I postpone my period if not make it come precipitate?

Just as long as the tub is squeaky clean, and you use not biting soaps that may cause an irritation or infection subsequent, of course not.

Your source is an innocent busybody.

Do heavy period last longer later light period?

its fine and it helps you relax

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