I own NO self confidence!! Help?

I'm always un-happy beside my body even though I'm underweight by 'charts' and everything i still feel OBESE and FAT adjectives the time.
I don't EVER wear anything tight.
I'm always fear like I SHOULD be on a diet.
I get hold of headaches/migraines ALL the time.
I'm really stressed.
I think I'm heading for a fearful breakdown.
I'm in year 10 and it's SO much work!
I want to cry SO much of the time!
WHATEVER I wear I other feel lacking and it REALLY doesn't help when citizens make fun of me.
I'm really OVERLY shy.
and I only WISH I had more confidence!
No horrible comments please.

I basically asked a question more or less cramps but..?

Youn lady you are streesing yourself out find a couple of things to do. You are doing too much and it's wearing you down. As far as reaction big is concerened you need to bear to someone about that. I am sure you are fine. Go on the pattern and find some good sites on self esteem. Be proud of yourself you are the solely you.

My vagina!?

simple solution,
.stop complaining
and take nurture of yourself the difference between an ugly character and a beautiful individual is. one just sits near and gets depressed and the other get up and does something about it.
be persistant, consistant, and tenacious for six straight months and you WILL be bright and breezy guarateed. happiness lies withen yourself even if you label a small improvement its better than nil.

I had sex and for some drive i hadnt stopped bleeding!?

dont sya these things!

im sure your very pretty and enjoy a great body.

also, most people complain give or take a few being overweight, but chew over of it this way, you can wear tight things and look dayumm sexy. also, you can drink whatever you want whenever you want.

and when associates make fun of you, merely be like ummm ok your cool.or cold-shoulder them.

show them that you dont care what they influence. and show them that you are more of a leader compared to a folllower.

polite luck!

Scared to go out, comfort please.?

Pray. Ask God to comfort you. Ask to help build your confidence. I enjoy had like feeling and till this light of day still do, but it's only inherent. Although you don't want to feel similar to this all the time, but adjectives women have their moments, but it's up to the individual to variety a change. Exercise is a great resolution. Whether you want to do it or not try it. If you are surrounded by a relationship do more activities together. Go running together or travel for walk. Get on stripe and find different exercise you can do at home or join a gym. Stay moving. If you can do for yourself than you will build your confidence in no time. May God bless you. Good luck.

What happen to my period?

well gain confident

8th day of my time.Normal?

I look at one person to be precise sitting down on a chair doing undeniably nothing. He go home and does absolutely zilch. He has beyond doubt nothing. Then I look at you. You exercise, aren't overweight, be in motion to the gyms on mondays, dive on tuesdays, do ballet on wednesdays, etc etc.
I hear closely of people read out that you get confidence from doing things. You perceptibly haven't got confidence and do everything!
Here's a guidline.
1. Think positive. You've be raised to other blame yourself, talk unpromising to yourself. Instead, start being cocky surrounded by your mind. Be good to yourself within thinking about things. Make it a point to afford yourself positive thoughts about yourself constantly. Count how plentiful you do and then try to whitewash it the next daytime.
2. If you think negatively straight away refrase it to be positive. Say you just get in a sports car accident. Instead of thinking, "shoot" think roughly how when you get out of comfort zone how you react is what make you who you are. Consider it a challenge and a style to make you a stronger individual. You've probably taken challenges as really cynical experiences. Refrase the challenge as a righteous thing.
3. Get thicker skin. Don't consent to other people bother you. If they say aloud something negative don't agree to it affect you. You're in control of your emotion, nobody else is. If you feel discontented it's because you've thought things that made you feel troubled. Instead of thinking things that make you consistency sad, dream up things that make you have a feeling good.
4. Affirmations. Think of affirmations to repeat when you're premonition the opposite passageway. Example: I am confident. I am confident. A bad example is: I'm not shy. It's discouraging because you're saying your shy and it's sort of unenthusiastic.
5. If you're really concerned about getting in shape, after make a desire. Set a routine for you to reach your aim and make midpoints to your objective to see your progress. Instead of linking pain to working out, give attention to about the anguish of not working out and intuition bad, stressed, and portly. Link pleasure to working out: relaxed, in shape, healthy. Use this misery and pleasure thing beside everything.

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