I have a hormonal disparity, i have more testosterone than everyday.?

the doctor said this might mean theres a fate i may not be able to hold kids. is there anything i can do? soeone said i could appropriate oestrogen supplements, would there be any side effects?

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Did the someone who advised you hold the standard medical qualification of one GCSE in woodwork?

How much investigation enjoy you had? By far the commonest result in of elevated androgens would be PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome. Are you currently having regular period? If you are a day 21 progesterone would establish if you are ovulating. If you are near are likely to be no issues. If you are not, after when you wish to conceive drugs similar to clomid, which has be around for many years and is hugely safe, are probable to easily operation with your problem.

I am solitary hearing your side of the story, but so far I am suspicious that your GP's familiarity might be a little pallid on this subject and thus it might be helpful if he could refer you for a gynaecology feelings.

ON NO ACCOUNT take oestrogen supplements, ' intuitive ' or otherwise these will not help and may surrounded by fact be treacherous.

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yes, you can take raw supplements for estrogen. Check with a doctor or naturopath to see which one is best for you. Also, the birth control pill may be an preference. Here's a link for Increasing Fertolity Naturally. http://www.natural-progesterone-estrogen...

STRAIGHT up, i don't know how decisive this product is. Like i said, a naturopathic doctor would know better

I duuno whats up wit my friendshes really worried, heres her story?

Too much testosterone may lead to you growing a dangly item between your legs.

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thats good that you can not hold kids no 1 like kids they are so bleak

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I would check into a syndrome called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Which one of the symptoms is a better than normal horizontal of Testosterone. And women every day are getting preggars next to this syndrome. I would go the unprocessed way, and/or see if the rest of your symptoms agree near PCOS and then budge to a Gyne and get it verified. Then they'll put you on Metformin (a diabetic medication to be precise NOT the reason you would bring back it), and you will amazingly watch seriously of your symptoms disappear and even maybe draw from preggars :)

That's my experience, I hope it helps. I enjoy PCOS too, and it's a PITA (pain in the butt)

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I also own higher level of male hormones and near me it's a consequence of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrom)
I found out about it after realising that I could not attain pregnant.
So it is true that you might also need treatments to find pregnant.
Another important sign of PCOS is that your LH (lutenizing hormone) is almost twice as illustrious as the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) at the beginning of a cycle (day 3 -5).
Women beside this problem have recurrently anovulatory cycles and the follicle which do not release an egg turn into small cysts in your ovaries.
As long as you are not trying to get kids you will be probably prescribed birth control pill. This prevents too masses cysts to form and keeps your bleeding regular (very central to avoid developing endometrial cancer!).
When you decide to obtain pg you might need to rob tablets (clomifen) or hormone injections to make you ovulate.
Besides this, keep hold of in mind that PCOS can affect also your insulin level (you can become insulin resistant, which could in turn lead to type 2 diabetes), can preserve your cholesterol elevated, make you gain substance... all things you stipulation to be aware of, to minimize health risks.
If you tend to be a bit furred or notice balding, a gyn or endocrinologist will know how to help you next to specific hormones.
In sum, there is no treatment certain at the moment to cure PCOS, but there is profusely of research done and one can keep the issue underneath control.
PS: leave the entity with estrogen! Ladies who suffer of PCOS enjoy normal estrogen horizontal. You would just crinkle your hormones even more!

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