Is there any approach to stop your menstrual cycle?

I know I need to step to the doctor but right now I want to know because I have actually be on a nonstop cycle where on earth it was lone spotting but it lasted for roughly 3 months. I have be on birth control before [some years ago] to oblige regulate my period but afterwards got sour. SO lately it comes and goes as it pleases. I notice today that I'm kind of spotting of and on since this morning and I want to know if in that's any way to STOP it by tomorrow. Please aid!!

Why do girls start to get horny when out period come on?

There is no way to stop it. If you own been spotting for 3 months and are not on the pill you involve to see your doc real soon and grasp this checked out. Call your doc now since you give the impression of being to have some free time and brand name an appointment to be seen.

Polysystic ovaries?

Yes. Sterilize yourself beside a heated fire poker. (Make sure the end turns blue when you are heat it.) Just insert like a tampon. No more Periods! YAY!

I needed to be sexually activeHow? any pills?

you can take extra b/c,during the 7 sunshine off week ..but,i would ask the doc first.right luck.....

Whats the difference?

i had a time of year problem like that and i go to the dr. i had be on birth control before but they put me on the depo shot and i havent have one since january

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