The pill xxxx?
Please write hindmost 2 me!*
xxxx <3* xxxx
no you own to swallow it whole
it have to accomplish the stomach to be rapt properly
their so tiny though! lol be brave, a moment ago put it within your mouth and transport a big gulp of milk youll be ok
Usually, if you aren't supposed to chew a pill, it will enunciate so within the bag info.
Try this - procure a spoon of pudding or applesauce, push the pill down into it. Take the undamaged spoonfull and swallow. It will support it stir down easier. When I be younger I have to do that for a long time.
If you can't carry to do that, they brand name tablet crushers - Chewing it will probably piece really fruitless! Crush it up and put it contained by a teaspoon of something piquant.
Good luck!
if its dissolved when you run it, it is ok.
it adjectives go down alike method..
swallowing it.. chewing it doesn`t matter what, a pill will work anyway you nick, as long as you swallow it all...
dont you be taking too various hunibuni!
Jo xx
How do I develop faster?(girl question)?
Have you tried swallowing it near wet?They are really tiny so it should not be too intricate. It took forever for me to finally swallow a pill.
I achieve one integral cup of wet, stick the pill close by the final of my tongue, afterwards hold my principal up a bit and appropriate several swallows of sea, and the pill go right down.
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