Unable to attain pregnant !!?

I'm 31yrs old and i tried to procure pregnat for 4 years with my bf ! Let me read aloud that my bf has two children of his own . So it's not him near this problem. I have be to a OBGYN and he said their was nought wrong with me he told me that i could receive pregnant. But i feel that if i tried for 4 years and nought happen within that time i think that i can't enjoy a child . What do you think ? Please supply me some input .

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You need to see an RE - a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist). They know plentifully more about what can interfere beside getting pregnant than an ob/gyn. 4 years is a long time, but if there is something that can be fixed, you call for to see a doctor who has the wisdom to figure it out.
There could be a problem beside your bf's sperm even though he's fathered children in times gone by. A sperm analysis is one of the easiest/cheapest tests, might as capably be positive that all is still okay on his end.
I am assuming you own regular periods - approx every 28 to 30 days and you know when you ovulate (using BBT charts and ovulation predictor kit or saliva microscope) and are having intercourse right until that time ovulation. Also that you don't consume too much caffeine or drugs. And you're not a marathon runner etc.
Did your ob/gyn examination CD3 FSH and estradiol and progesterone 7 days after ovulation? You should have a hysterosalpingogram to be sure your fallopian tubes aren't blocked. Then a hysteroscopy to fashion sure you don't have an issue inside your uterus. Perhaps a laporoscopy to see if you own endometriosis. And an ultrasound on CD3 to see how many egg follicles are available per cycle.
Have you have an IUI (intrauterine insemination)? It bypasses sperm antibodies and cervical mucus issues. An obgyn can do that.
There are other conditions that an RE can test you for. You obligation to see an RE, 4 years is way too long.

Edited to include: irregular periods could be a symptom of something going on, similar to PCOS or thyroid or weight issues (those are basically the ones I can think of). Additional test should include TSH, fasting glucose, autoimmune antibodies. Again an RE would be the best individual to turn to. If your current ob/gyn won't refer you to an RE, find an obgyn that will.

For women on the contraceptive injection.?

If you let me input later you'll have children. I enjoy supersperm. I've got close to fifteen children and those are only the ones that hold been proven by DNA testing.

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did the doctor test you for hormone problems..

You should attain one of the fertility things, so you know when your fertile.

I am praying for you!

I have no form insurance and I think any me or my boyfriend are infertile. How do I get aid?

Maybe you need more input of a different benign :)

Please help! What could this be?

i would deduce possibly its a mental thing...i would do some meditation and get hold of relaxed and prepare your mind (and body) for having children...also using affirmations could also give a hand

Period Question.?

hmmmm...question? Have you totally asked your bf if he can still produce children? some men enjoy vasectomies and do not tell the sinificant other until very well into the relationship. And too, has your doctor sent you for a vaginal and abdominal ultra nouns? If not ask for it. It will reveal what the doctor can not see or feel himself as contained by endometriosis and tumors and cyst's, blockages and so on and so forth.

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Just b/c he has two children from another relationship does no tmean that he can still produce sperm. Maybe you want to ask him to get tested. There are lots people you enjoy children & a few years later i duration they can no longer have anymore.

Question something like birth control and having sex?

Just stay peaceful, don't force it, and eat tough there are a great deal foods that its proved that they block in some route fertility like round free milks.

You still young, don't verbs that's the clue

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If the doc has done the full work up on you, and you passed, Perhaps your BF should draw from a count. It is possible between when he had his kids, and immediately that something happened, and his shooters arn't shootin so straight.

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Don't stress going on for it. I have several friends that tried for longer than that and have all kind of tests run. When they stopped trying they get pregnant. Also, there are ovulation kit. If you have not already tried that you may want to...but making a newborn is supposed to be fun, so have some fun!

Girlz solely?

Eat ice cream and stay on him longer.

Question in the order of antiaging.?

story of my adult life-ive have 9 miscarriages- mostly first term- i had adjectives those tests and zilch...i ended up have a trans U/S and they discovered i had a septate uterus (like my mom and her sister) they removed the septum and in a minute our little girl will be three in june :D...dont administer up! Also- try an OB/GYN who specialzes in fertility...best of luck

Yeast infection!?

Now is the time to leave your job that OB/gyn behind and stir to a Fertility Specialist. You'll want to have your chart sent from OB to your current specialist. You can get oblige from the Fertility docs, it's his specialty!

Just because you boyfriend has have children in the recent past doesn't mean he can't own a problem NOW. He needs to progress to a urologist, also. It's unfair for you to assume adjectives the resposiblity here, honey. Your fertility doc is going to want your husband to have a physical and build sure his sperm is checked. It's part of the process.

It'll be much easier for you once you see a fertility doc, they own LOTS of answers. Best of luck to you, sugar. Take care.

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Sounds like it's your hubby that have the fertility problem.

Sperm can slow down or 'morph' over time or due to environmental issues, he11 even sitting in too many hot tubs can hurt the little guys according to research!
If your hubby is shooting two head sperm or slow swimmers or worse- blanks...you should really have the pick of ending your doctor-go-round and starting his!
here are things that can help. Have him label an appointment with a Urologist for a checkup, I don`t know he just have a twisted valve or something, perchance he has a hydrocele, here could be plenty of things going on, but he has to see a doc first.
Then you can see what the subsequent step is =)
good luck! I hope a babe is in your implicit future.

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