Is here any way i can predict when my time might come?

(im not talking in the region of a first period) there any symptoms or something to know when your spell is about to come?
i also forgot to red mark when my last interval that doesnt oblige much

Girl question.?

Stomach cramping, irritability, breast pain. bloating, and water bulk are all signs of when it may be coming (about 2-5 days formerly you start). I know you forgot to write it down, but it usually happens every four weeks, but not other.

Didn't change tampon after person in pool?

well when you start getting cramps.and period come every 4 you know around when it will come.

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when you be aware of that your vagina is kinda feeling resembling its gonna drop... or when you feel that your breasts are sense kinda aching

* or not?!?!?!?!?!?

well i find i bloat around a week before and also procure reallly moody and emotional, I don`t know even a zit or two.
Also if u cant remember ur last interval, ur next cant be too far past its sell-by date!

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honestly if you look up the symptoms of bieng pregnent they are practically matching as pre-period symptoms, water counterbalance gain, bloating, cramping, constipation, breast swolleness and tenderness. If you are asking because you are afraid of bieng pregnent. My best suggestion is just dance to the store and buy the test and pilfer it. I know that its hard because you don't want the oral exam to say that you are pregnent but its better to know any way instead of bieng in denial because eventually you will enjoy to face it. I hope everything is ok. By the style some bigger stores have self check outs close to Giant or some other stores. That may help mitigate your tension. And as an ex teller we dont really care what your buying grounds we have see it all already, adjectives we really care almost is when our next break is and when we are going to go home.

Discharge comes out in clumps, is that regular? won't believe this, but my ex used to know when my period is close by. he can sense it from my mood transformation and my very tender breasts.
Some ancestors can sense it after getting a migraine" which occur right in the past the period starts" others from extreme hear about the end one from some friends.

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mine used to come every 28 days, but i didnt get any of the symptoms others are describing. i found that help me because then i could track my cycle, and it will transport you an email if you go longer than a set amount of days short recording a time of year. i would just start using liner when you think it is 27 days from the start of your end period, that channel if it does start, you're prepared.

Pap smear question ! *?

every women is different, but for me i lose my appetite and start to break out around the sides of my frontage. Your body will have reliable changes every month so a short time ago try to pay attention to your self.

OK so when will she start and is it to untimely i need to know adjectives the facts.?

bloating about a week back (give or take) mood changes, and for me I bring real sleepy the hours of daylight before I start.

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