Question about birth control and have sex?

Okay so i had sex second weekend and have in a minute been on birth control for 3 weeks...Its the brand were you lone have you term once every three months...and all of a sudden i started bleeding for a moment for the past few days and its a brown that everyday, or is there something wrong?...I simply dont want to be pregnant is all...please backing me...

Is it o.k. for girls to finger themselves? I always thought it be WIERD!?

You're perfectly fine. With the long cycle birth controls, intermittent bleeding (called spotting) is everyday and occurs usually when your body is growing used to the hormones. No worries right in a minute, but if it continues, consider seeing your OBGYN.

[embarassing] I have a mistrust of tampons.?

Well usually all birth control pills may cause breakthrough bleeding, but it shouldn't ending long and it should be light. Especially near that pill there is an increased risk of breakthrough bleeding. A miscarry usually contains alot of clots. I wouldn't verbs but you can always turn to ur primary care if you are worried.

Am 8 weeks pregnant and what is going on near me?

hon you're fine.

it's normal and you are not pregnant.

Whats copulin? i know its something beside the femal body it like a hormone that attracts men?

You roughly should take a birth control for a full month to be sure that the hormone level in your body hold been regulated to protect you from pregnancy to the fullest extent that the hormonal method you're using can. In the meantime, you be supposed to be using a back-up method.

While hormonal birth controls can cause spotting between period, implantation bleeding can be mistaken for common spotting as in good health. Implantation bleeding is when a bit of the endometrium is displaced and expelled from the body when the fertilized egg (or the zef) attaches itself to the uterine wall; implantation bleeding usually occurs in the first two weeks of pregnancy.

I suggest you just lift a pregnancy test (I'm not sure when to speak about you you can take one as I would customarily tell you to linger a week after your first missed period, but on your birth control that could be months from now), simply to be sure.

Too light?

It's average to have peculiar bleeding during the first three months when starting any new birth control pill. If you are still have these symptoms after three months of the pill, then you should turn back to your doctor and they will probably put you on a complex dose pill.

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