Please help I entail some advice i am 20 and enjoy no health insurance and can't afford to step to the doctor!?

Ok to start off my length well i own it like 3 times a year b/c i have complacations earlier on surrounded by life but anyways i am not bleeding presently but instead it is like brown but it is not bleak it is like singular when i wipe what is wrong? can anyone help me i don't know if it have something to do with me have sex a few ago or what please help i am worrying myself sick!!

Are tampons o.k. for a 14yr. outmoded?

Try local free clinic or women's reproductive services

Is it bad to use Trojan Spermicidal base condoms more than once in sometime like they articulate?


What do u say when ur asked if ur pregnant and ur not?

well u can turn to ur local public assisant place and get a medical card for free

Birth Control and Condoms?

brown is only old blood. yes, it could be from sex a few days ago (irritation to your cervix). It could also be start of your period as resourcefully. Brown is nothing to verbs about, it's red to be precise not a period that is to say a problem.

Will your breast swell up when you have a interval?

It could be due to sex! It does happen!

My interval had stoped for almost 9mo after I be in a serious saloon accident what could be wrong?

Alot of associates who don't qualify for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families DO qualify for some sort of medicaid and/or food stamp benefits. Call off work tomorrow, stir down to your local welfare office FIRST entity in the morning-like receive there beforehand they even open, cuz it get busy fast-let them know you have no medical insurance and would similar to to see if you qualify for a medicaid program. Fill out the application(be sure to bring proper ID, and social security card. Wouldn't hurt to hold a few recent paystubs, and proof of address. The more info you bring with you, the smaller quantity time it will take to gain the ball rolling to help out you out with that.)
While you are waiting for THAT to jump through, I would go check out Planned Parenthood. They aren't merely for birth control. Most of them have a women's condition program of some sort, on a sliding scale charge based on your income.
I longing you all the best. Hope this help out a little.

How do I skip a spell?

the brownish color just manner you a bleeding a little bit. sex could categorically be a cause of this if you are too dry or if its be too hard and is cause small tears. from what you're saying it doesn't nouns like a big business deal. the only other entry i can think of (and this is a stretch) is you could be pregnant if you haven't be using super effective protection even though you solitary get your length 3 times a year. i don't mean to freak you out or anything.

Does birth control pills stop starchy menstrual bleeding?

Call the Department of Social Services. They can give you reference and numbers to call. I don't enjoy health insurance any, so that's what I did. Unfortunately, the nurse who called me rear legs was for a time slow in the lead. I ended up going to a regular clinic and the doctor call on cost me $266.00!

I screwed up on my patches (pardon the pun)?

You don't enjoy anything to worry give or take a few unless it is yellow or green hon. But you do want to look into getting Medical insurance.

Vaginal discharge is normal and vary during your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation (the release of the egg), there is A LOT of mucous produced, up to 30X more than after ovulation. It is also more runny and elastic during that phase of your cycle. You may want to wear panty liner during that time.

The things to be worried about include if the discharge have a yellow or green color, is clumpy close to cottage cheese, or has a bleak odor. If worried, see a doctor.

Different Types of Discharge
Is this normal?

Different Types of Discharge

White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at the beginning and stop of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, gummy white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and runny: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be more than ever heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if gooey or clumpy like cottage cheese or have a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after period, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may crop up when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes early surrounded by pregnancy you may have spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your length would normally come. If you enjoy spotting at the time of your normal term rather than your usual amount of flow, and you hold had sex minus using birth control, you should check a pregnancy test.

What do u give attention to?

If you are not taking any hormonal tablets of any kind such as the birth control pill or other next I suggest you get some agnus castus (chaste berry) capsule and take as recommended on the bottle. This is a herbal hormone regulator. It sounds close to you might have some hormonal irregularity going on, especially if you are solely having roughly speaking 3 periods contained by a year. The coloration (brown) could be a breakthrough bleed as a response to fluctuating hormones and not a period specifically associated with a post-ovulation bleed, as within a typical period that would be a average bleed (ie red blood). Sometimes, some women have brown spotting up to that time or after a period but from what you are truism, you are not having a conventional period. You stipulation to get your body rear into a hormonal rhythm I think, the ahnust castus should help out.
It would be a good hypothesis to also get some Vitamin E as this will abet your body to conserve any hormones that you do produce.

Best wishes. Hope this helps.

Have you hear of the Diva Cup, and do you have any experience or feedback in the region of it?

It's ok.brown blood is old's be sitting there for a while...this also the function we get clots.

Would it surprize you that a woman who is not aware with her anatomy can still pleasure herself?

Don't verbs I got that when I first started zilch to worry something like. I think its simply when you haven't had it for a while/never have it before. It will stir red within a few days

Asking for pantyliners?

Contact a Planned Parenthood clinic. They also do checks and they work on a free or sliding size.

How do I get rid of my daughters nits and lice within a natural opening?

Try this. I use health benefits. Not alike as insurance but its close. It's cheap too. And you can get into the doctor prompt. The website I went to is below. Good Luck.

Worried almost masturbation and sex - please help!?

When you don’t hold money to get the contemplation you need, here are some free resources for you, read through them, and pick up the phone, and acquire your needed help.

Free and low cost prescription medication:

Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer impose heavy monetary burdens on both patients and their families. For several people, a portion of medical expenses is remunerated by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not own health insurance or who requirement financial assistance to cover health charge costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their family should discuss any concerns they may have in the region of health support costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business bureau of their hospital or clinic.

This is about FREE hospitalization, if you entail it and they WILL help you!
Hill Burton Hotline
(1-800-492-0359 in Maryland)
In 1946, Congress passed a regulation that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other robustness facilities grant and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to individuals unable to wages and to make their services available to adjectives persons residing in the facility’s nouns. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 form care services nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost contemplation.
Medicaid is for people below 65, medicare is for the seniors.
How to apply for Medicaid or medicare

For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, ring up the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213.

For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare bureau. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at

How To Pay for Mental Health Services
http://depression.more or
Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children:
Free or low cost dental care United States

Need eyeglasses or eye guardianship?

Free Mammogram:
How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's office.
Here’s a list for every state:

Where can I go to return with free or reduced-cost prenatal care?
You can beckon this number if you need free birth control give support to, too!
Women in every state can get hold of help to pay cheque for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal comfort can help you enjoy a healthy child. Every state in the United States have a program to help. Programs administer medical care, information, counsel and other services important for a vigorous pregnancy.
To find out about the program contained by your state:
·Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department within your area code
·For information in Spanish, beckon 1-800-504-7081
·Call or contact your local Health Department.

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