Asking for pantyliners?

hey, i have discharge almost every year and for a year now. sometimes its extremely robust and the dampness is uncomfortablle. i thoughtful of want 2 use pantyliners so i feel drier and that if i do procure my period soon i will at lowest possible have a pantyliner for protection. but how can i ask my mom for them? thanx!!

Ok girls.. tampons?

I know this will be awkard to relate ur mom bout it, but you gotta tell her. Start resembling:"Mom, I have something major to tell you. It's in the order of my..."
She might not think of getting you a pantiliner after audible range ur story, but if u really wanna use a pantiliner, note her subsequent time when you go to Walmart, approaching:"Mom, the discharge is really uncomfy for me. I think I inevitability to use a pantiliner..."
Normally, we stay like 6hrs within school a morning. I suggest you carry a wipe, a pantiliner, and a tampon to school. U never know resourcefully u will get your interval!
I had my discharge 2 years next came my length. It might not be that quick. But be prepared cuz everuone is different.
Get surrounded by contact with ur mom when u enjoy an problem. Don't be awkward. They're teens once. They know what you are going through.
At last, I'll suggest a website for u :

It have lots of info on periods and things. They even tender u advice on how to recount mom and dad about period.

Hoped this helped=)

Why is it kinda of hard when .? GIRLS ONLY?

That is the easiest it will procure from here on. If you have trouble asking for that resourcefully idk. Just be HONEST and tell her what's be going on she will gladly buy them. i'm 13 and i have the same problem when i get my period. don't verbs. i know it's scary but she will twig!

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Just move about right out and tell your mom. It's ok to put in the picture your mom personal things like this. She'll deduce because she is also a girl and she wants the best for you.

I hold been on birth control for roughly speaking a year and hardly ever attain turned on.?

just go 2 the store and say aloud mom im going 2 get these! and if she asks y update her u need them!! :) it shouldent be that impossible!! try the carefree 1's w/ the wishy-washy scent the travel size 1's they are really good and great protection !!

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Try setting down near her and telling her.You may have need of to go to a doctor and see if you own an infection. If all is clear the Doctor would probably detail you do do to help you have a feeling more comfortable.

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its going to be for a moment akward, but you just enjoy to tell her, she will be so grasp and supporting you just hold to get through the chunk of asking her, if it helps, i did this pretty a bit, just write it on a piece of rag and leave it where on earth she will find it.

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Just sit down and explain to your mom how you feel. There should be no root for her to refuse or bring upset that your coming to her. She is your mother that is what she is within for.

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If you feel uncomforable asking her, you can a short time ago buy them yourself.

Otherwise, just read out "Mom, can you buy me some pantyliners for my period?"

It's a ordinary thing to ask your Mom for pantyliners, she will probably be glad you asked and buy you some.

You should probably see a gynecologist though, if you are having discharge every year. You may have a yeast infection or something similar.

It might be easier to basically put them in pushcart at the store and say, "Hey Mom, I'm gettin these...I want them."

Hope This Helps!

On birth control, had no problems for over 6 mos. in a minute i have spotting and dont start for two and 1/2 weeks?

Be upfront beside your mom just remember she have been through adjectives of this.She may even tke you to a gyn to be sure your ok. Good luck!

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