My period have stoped for almost 9mo after I was within a serious car quirk what could be wrong?

Ok I was contained by a serious car chance 9mo ago and I had merely gotten over my period and conceivably 3 days after the accident I started to bleed again for another week or so. I go to the doctors of corse and my doctor said there be nothing wrong near me. A couple months go by and I still havn't gotten my time of year since before my happenstance and no I havn't had unprotected sex any. So once again I go subsidise to my doctor and again he said there is nought wrong with me. I know it could be stress but how long do you contemplate it will be untill I get my time of year again?

A lot of discharge !!?

Sounds like your still stressing over it, during the purchase of my first house I didn't find mine for the whole year. It's a blessing, delight in it while it lasts and verbs. If the doc says your ok later stop stressing and unfortunelty it will come back. Find somthing else to focus on.

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