I can't POOP!?

I'm a 24 year-old female. I drink lots of hose, exercise and eat my veggies. Fibre intake is tolerable but I still can only hack it a bm about once a week or so. I've have this problem for years--What's wrong here? The doctor says it's not IBS because I don't suffer from diahrea. HELP! What can I do?

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well ur doctor is right on that...you'd alternate b/w bouts of diarreah and constipation for self diagnosed with IBS...if this is not a recent shape vs your previous years of not having trouble going to the bathroom..later it maybe a cross-question of what kind of lifestyle you are living: stress, adjust to a new place, trial set of circumstances that are stressing you out... or maybe it's lately your particular bm guide...some ppl go more than 2 or 3 times a DAYwhile others stir once a day...so it may basically be your pattern... probably trying metamucil, or citrucel will do the trick...even prunes will do it! try prune juice...greens other get you going to the point that you can overdo it! try spinach, collard greens...you also should be aware of any manner of abdominal discomfort you maybe have...or not able to slip away flatulence (farts) coz it may indicate obstruction contained by your intestines...keep an eye on it!

Women.to some extent I can be supportive with your loss of composure..but why ask girls only, knowing men will read

eat prunes or apples (with the skin)

Really iregular please aid!!!!?

Take Vitamin C every day or bring back u some dark Karo syrup and drink a spoon full, you should go every morn next.

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try untaught stool softeners like prune liquid... raisins and or try a colon cleanse. Natural supplement stores carry numerous "Natural" remedies for these kind of things. I bet there is someone contained by one of those stores to help you will any question you may have.

suitable luck.

What do u get done at a pyhsical?

My brother have this issue after years of me telling to try an herbal cleanse, he finally tried it.. Lets a moment ago say the pipes flow conventional DAILY now.

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warm clear drinks do it for me. Like coffee.

Girls single please?

I'm sorry if I sound a bit fresh but, laxatives maybe? After that try prunes and prune liquid. Then apples with skin.

I solely had my interval for three days?

UHHHH YUKK GAG NASTY your constipated fool

Safe or not?

sounds like a sluggish bowel, you should be going at lowest possible once a day at your age.
im betting you discern really bloated and uncomfortable as all right.
There are several causes for a sluggish bowel and they should be investigated, if your doc wont explore it next find another doctor

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Metamucil and lots of water - no coffee

undamaged grain breads and pastas, brown rice. lots of fruits and veg



Eat more fruit and fiber!! Raisins and grapes and prunes assistance big time.

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enjoy the free time this provides you, think of those that walk once per day. thats 10 minutes per light of day, 60 minutes more than you per week, 240 minutes per month, 2880 minutes per year, 172800 minutes for the next 60 years. you will hold 2880 hours more free time pooping 1 time per week than someone who goes 1 timer per hours of daylight. In my eyes you are the lucky one.

Women on the Nuvaring?

EX-LAX is what you need! if you dont enjoy any you eat some prunes or some raisns, it help soften the poop so you can walk

Prune juice is the single thing that'll work for me for constipation, but it's NASTY,. What will net it better?

? You're blocked and in torment, or you just seldom hold to use the facilities ?

For my tot daughter years ago, my wife used a little kid oil and a glove to "back things out" when she was constipated and within pain.

When I be about 14 or 15, I be infrequent also. You seem to be capable of digest anything down to nothing. Check next to the Guinness and Ripley's people.

An occasional bout of food poisoning have always cause me to clear things out completely, from both ends, but you need multiple containers, and sometimes hospitalization.

Less furred?

Do you feel close to it's a problem? Are you uncomfortable? People enjoy the mistaken idea that one must hold a BM every day, when that isn't true. Some individuals have a BM twice a week and do newly fine.

Try eating oatmeal or cheerios or raisin bran in the morning. Avoid drinking a lot of foods that tend to bind, close to bananas, cheese, rice, unless you're also going to increase your fiber.
You could try taking a stool softener (not laxative) every night or every other hours of darkness to see if that helps.

But if you're not humiliated, don't worry roughly speaking it.

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Drink coffee. It is proven to help hold on to the colon clean. Some doctors suggest coffee enimas but I enjoy never went that far. Just two cups within the morning then it's rotten to the bathroom!

Please help, Im anxious?

small doses of prune juice (1/2 - 3/4cup) 1-2 times a morning should help to go together the body out more. It's a slower cycle that will be more gentle to your body. Hope this help.


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I used to suffer from IBS,,irratible bowel syndrome. (sp?) It can make you both constipated or loose. Find another feelings for sure. I eat a bowel of raisen bran every morning for breakfast and enjoy regular, daily bowel movements ONLY if I verbs to eat my bran. Lettuce and stuff does not create the bulk needed to move it on down the road. Having a one a week BM is not wholesome at all.

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well if you are on any prescibed narcotic(s) that will lead to constipation always, save well some veggies will also go off you constipated if i were you i'd run with sprinkle fiber over my cereal, i would also drink prune liquid once a day every time or you might want to try dulcolax take that 2 tab trust me you'll go since this seem to be an on going thing and you've already see a physician you might want to consider taken a stool softner on a daily basis, along with a cup of metamucil orange flavor both you can find at any walmart or over the counter i know i have one and the same probablem of course i find dulcolax does essentially work try it it does work good luck

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If you hold had this for years, you may own stretched your colon and have a megacolon contained by which case you should own massive BM's when you do have them. If you don't , you are not consumption enough. In any case try psyllium fibers which stimulate BMs through increased bulk. Sometimes in attendance are missing nerves in the lower colon walls which do not work properly and don't carry the peristaltic motions sufficiently to stimulate a BM until in that is a huge load waiting to appear. In this satchel there is regularly anal leakage lacking BMs. Not everyone has a on a daily basis BM and usually people work out in that own schedule. If this is not cause you other problems, don't worry in the order of the frequency..

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Here are some really great full text, freely available and authoritative resources for you:

MedlinePlus: Constipation

MedlinePlus: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Note that IBS is indicated by a "changeover in bowel movements". This could show either diarrhea or constipation. Read up some more on IBS and preserve after your doctor. Perhaps request a referral to a Gastroenterologist.

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ok, near's a vegetable stool softener that you can get at most pharmacy's. It takes around a day to work but it really help. If not, try taking mineral oil on a day by day basis.

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I have no thought, if you are being honest near how you exercise and eat, consequently you should be regularly. Very odd.

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