Smoking and pregnancy?

my first pregnancy i quit for about partially of it. but this time its harder..i quit fr a month and im at it again. for the last 3 days ive cut route down. would a ciggerette b4 i go to bed once a daytime be as bad?

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I smoked since my I became pregnant, a pack a sunshine.
It was incredible complex, but I did it. I still miss smoking but for her I wont start!
It is soooo bad for your babe-in-arms. It TRIPLES the chance of SIDS.

I know, once I looked into my babys eyes that I could never forgive myself for hurting her in any way.

I take in it is tough, but not impossible, there is no excuse. You can do it. In my feelings, a cigarette before bed is totally uneccessary you might as economically jsut quit.

Im not trying to hurt your feeling, freshly being totally honest here,
when my neighbor downstairs didnt quit smoking and have the occasional drink. I have no respect for her for that and I dream up what kind of mother is she going to be if she disregards her childs welfare formerly it is born? Sorry, but now you know what general public are thinking and not saying.
She have major problems during her transfer and almost lost her baby :( He still may be a special requirements child (only 2 weeks old) I bet she asked herself if her actions contributed to the childs condition negatively. I would not want to be surrounded by that position.

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Im a smoker, so I understand your craving here. I would reason it wouldnt be as bad as 20 per doc told me that to quit cold turkey will put the baby into annul as well, so leisurely wein yourself from it, and if you cant quit, then at tiniest slow down as much as you can...good luck...god bless

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While it's best to completely quit smoking, ANY adjectives down of smoking would be helpful. Good luck near that!

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Any smoking at adjectives effects the baby, but man a pack-a-day smoker I know exactly how you feel. It took me until my 4th month of pregnancy to completely quit, after that, the smell of smoke made me sick. Then 5 months subsequent, back to smoking.

I know a girl in HS who smoked a great deal, purposely, to make her babe-in-arms smaller so it wouldn't hurt so bad pushing it out. That made me want to assassinate people close to her.

It's good to see you're worried around the effects of smoking, and it's so easy for non-smokers to read aloud "Just quit!" One cigarette a day is amazingly reasonable and shouldn't raison d`??tre any perminate damage at adjectives.

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