This is soooo Frustrating.Please Read!?

I am TTC, have be off my pill for roughly 1 month now, thought i would win period straight away or some sort of break through bleed but i didnt, in that was singular some slight browny discharge for a few days. I have be having sex for yesteryear 4 weeks on and off to achieve pregnant. On 14th June i took a test but be negative, but ponder it was too soon. I hold not got a spell yet, i other no when its coming cause i capture really bad cramps. I dont reckon i really have symptoms, i do draw from hot flushes occasionally and a headache which follows. Pretty tired but that could also be due to cold weather? Does anyone have any stories or personal experience to lend a hand me out. I dont know when to get another assessment or even if its possible to be pregnant cause singular came stale pill 4 weeks ago. Its frustrating cause if im not pregnant next i want my periods to hurry up and come so i know whats going on.

Frequent Trips to the restroom?

If you've be on birth control for some time it will take your body time to adjust.
Also, sometimes it take time to get pregnant. Don't expect things to start immediately. Sometimes getting pregnant can pilfer quite some time. I own a relative who tried for almost a year before she be successful. Try not to stress over it, or let it frustrate you. It will come about at its moment. In the mean time.wallow in.

I have little white spots on my arm and some lighter spotscan I use to treat them?

ttc? within the past, drs hold recommended waiting more time after d'c ing bc pills. do you have a husband? if so, I'm sure he will delight in working on the problem and if not, you inevitability to reconsider what you are doing. a kid is not a doll, and a live person requirements a stable parent x 2.

How are you shaved?

Your hormones are changing since you in recent times got bad the pill. Things will get fund on track. Good luck.

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