What happeneds if you are on birth control and smoke?

im 15 and i smoke ( i know its dumb im trying to stop) and im on birth control. i keep audible range that its bad, what could appear to me?

the birth control is femcon fe

Question about man wet is this everyday?

I did it for many oodles years and I'm fine. The doctors tell you not to because they want the entire world to stop smoking.

I'm not going to shield smoking, that's my personal choice but I also won't say it's fitting.

But I will say that it doesn't counter with the birth control pill, it have nothing to do near it.

What is does is give you impossible blood circulation which may cause you problems but that's a different issue.

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i mull over your more prone to blood clots, which can be serious.


You are at increased risk for thrombosis (blood clots). Blood clots can cause, strokes heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, leg backache, ischemic bowel disease.

In someone your age you are at a slightly increased risk as you get elder the risk increases. Women over 35 should not take birth control pills if they smoke.

What tha F is wrong beside me??

Your prone to blood clots. I started taking birth control on 3/16/2007 and on 4/30/2007 I was Rushed to the hospital near A pulmonary Embolism (blood clots in the lungs)..And I don't smoke or drink. I almost died. STOP SMOKING it could stockpile your life...

The peron who answered above me who said it won't afford you blood clots..sorry but it does Im living proof and Im only 24 and have never taken birth control and completly healthy. Talk to your GYNO

Really critical question (girls should answer).?

yes, it can generate you sick depends on age and your health approaching in some women it can result in a higher risk contained by Cancer.

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The chemicals in tobacco smoke prevent the hormones surrounded by your pills from being metabolised completely - which mode that you generally obligation a much higher dose to attain the same effect as someone who doesn't smoke. You may find you enjoy problems with breakthrough bleeding etc, until you return with a higher dose pill.

If you are beneath 35 the chance of getting a potentially deadly blood clot is about 1 surrounded by 10,000 every year.
If you are on the pill this rises to between 5 and 8 in 10,000 every year.
If you smoke and are lower than 35 the chances are 1 within 1,000
If you take the pill and smoke the prospect rises to 5-8 in 1,000 respectively year.
If you are over 35 your chance of getting a blood clot go up to 1 in 1500 respectively year
5-8 in 1500 if you are on the pill.
If you are over 35 AND smoke AND give somebody a lift the pill the chance increases to 5-8 in 150 respectively year, so most doctors will not prescribe the contraceptive pill to women over 35 who smoke.

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