Can you get a discharge when over 2 months preg resembling a snot its clear doesnt smell?

i no i havnt a infection and a std i havnt had a time of year 4 2 months i got like mad of preg sighns what about the discharge 1?

Should i travel to the doctor?

Discharge does increase in pregnancy and I was other taught a sexually involved female who misses a extent is pregnant until proven otherwise. Go see your GP and get a assessment.

I'm 20/ f/ england Whats tests shud i hold had by very soon smear?

Go to a doctor! They can really help you!

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eww you made me chock on my drink help i cant breath lol and no i dont cos am not preg why did a answer this examine i dont know

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Discharge is not a sign of pregnancy. If you guess you might be pregnant see a doc right away to start prenatal care. Also if this is unusual discharge later you do need to bring it checked out by the doc. There is no way you can know for sure if it is or isn't an infection. Only a doc can read out for sure.

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Discharge CAN be a sign of pregnancy, but it is not the most accurate one. When you are pregnant, you will have an increase in cervical mucus- you'll stipulation a lot of pantyliner. And yes, it will be clear. It could also be a sign that you are ovulating.

Because you enjoy other symptoms along with the CM, I suggest that you be in motion and take a check. If you are pregnant, you need to start taking charge of your body differently, so you can protect the young existence inside of you.

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i would go to a dr. and obtain a blood test to see if you are in actuality pg and i would it ASAP b/c you are still in the vulnerability zone for m/c so you want to find out so you can get medical attention and mantain a nutritious pregnancy. and you won't have to wonder anymore. cart care.

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you are pregnant! this discharge is perfectly run of the haven't got an infection..this happen with both my it did to my stop worrying

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Troubled is right, it's very usual to have this discharge when pregnant.

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