I haven't have a period since March 8 2007, glum hpt & blood tests for pregnancy, what is wrong beside me?
How come when I stretch I feel close to Im about to hold an orgasm?
There are many frequent different things that can throw your period stale. Have you been tested for thyroid function, PCOS or homone level? Are you usually regular and just irregular this month? Have you gain or lost a lot of bulk lately? These are all things to consider next to your doctor.
How doeas havin a tampon on feel?
maybe you should go and get a second opinion from someone else.What if my cycle of the month a moment ago takes 26 dys?
If you enjoy had sex, it is possible you're experiencing an ectopic or "tubal" pregnancy, which does not other show up on at home pregnancy tests.Also, if you are (or hold been) extremely stressed, it is VERY likely that it delayed your spell. I didn't used to believe the whole stress/late length correlation, but it happened to me and I be three weeks late because of it. It is really real.
Good luck!
Severe leader pain during sex?
How weak are you and how much do you weigh? Malnutrition commonly causes missed period.Perimenopause can start in some race as early as the 30's.
When I was trying to capture pregnant there be months when I skipped a period. My midwife said some relations do that. Stress, illness & nutrition can adjectives play roles in how regularly you have period. If you are concerned and don't have one soon you should see your gyno. Don't pilfer chances near your health. Here's a cooperation to webmd.com where you can check your symptoms for missed period.
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