Ladies dont you option?

dont you wish guys hade cramps, bloating, fatigue, and pms once a month approaching we do?...and guys yes i do have pms right very soon.

Answers:    You can "wish" all you want but it will never occur. They will NEVER know what it's like to be in motion through what women go through. They hold it so easy and don't even know it. That's why they cannot apprehend us when we need them to. It's not their error...they are just animals of the "MALE" species!
*JERRY M Sore ball? Are you kidding me? Try have a baby! You hold NO clue what pain is. Afterall, if you guys weren't on the prowl for sex adjectives the time you wouldnt have sore ball, now would you? Get unadulterated!
YES so they can get of our a** and permit us rest for a while It's quite a desireable proposition, though one entity guys would suffer is if we switched sex drives. They'd truly understand whether we "want it" or not.
Thats a appropriate one! I realy wish they move about thought all this one and only for 1 months, so they have a clue why be so tired those days. yes wish that would arise maybe guys would comprehend better
Haha! That's why I love being a guy :D Yes,I definetely need men had PMS and a extent.They just don't grasp.
I live with my dad and whenever I start to perceive bad he other says that I'm fake it. That all my headache, cramps and moodiness are created by me. So, I wish he could touch it so he could know how real it be.
Personally, I like to assume if a guy wants to know what really bleak cramps feel close to for a woman he needs to conquer down his pants grasp his sack and squeeze really hard. Wait a few second, and then do it again. For the really sharp pains he can verbs his nails within. guys.. don't you wish women would stop complaining around thier PMS and stop being so childish and wish pain on us. Its not our denounce they get cramps and bloating, why not blame their mother.. oh yeah.. guys don't you decision women knew what it feel like to hold sore balls. they would really know what individual uncomfortable be all in the order of.

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