Vaginal Muscular Strength?

Without testosterone or with excessive estrogen surrounded by the vaginal muscular tissues, is there a approach to increase the vagina muscular strength?

I'm 15 and I have.?

Have you hear about Kegel exercise?
Also read this

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I don't know what the execerise call . but sit in a stool and squeeze the the lower vaginal muscular. like... suck surrounded by and tighten your lower stomach and do it while your doing nothing ... watching TV on the computer. You will touch it working the muscles. I do it all the time and during sex you can tighten up.. and my boyfriend can in actuality feel me tighten up. Once you do it adjectives the time and you build the muscle... you can hold it for a long time. My boyfriend goes crazy when i do it!!

Why am I have difficulty urinating?

Yes you can tighten up the vaginal muscles. Do this exercise a few times a day and both you and your boyfriend will switch on to feel the difference.
Keep squeezing your vagina as if you be stopping yourself from peeing. Do this for about 5/10 mins. 5/6 times a morning. After a few weeks you will notice and so will your boyfriend how strong you can grip his penis when you are have intercourse.

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