Am I overweight I`m 5`3 114 lbs and i`m 15 yrs older?


Does it really matter how big a guys penis is?


Masturbation. girls individual?

No you're not!

Hysterectomy? (sorry if spelled wrong)?


you are fine.

So I've had a cold and it's going away but I hold no taste buds?

HELL NO! If anyones over weigh its me. im thirteen and im 116. so stop complaing.

Why haven't my period come back?

no definately not, you nouns perfect. Maybe even a couple more pounds would do you well brought-up, but I dont know how big your frame is. But you have zilch to worry just about, that is a drastically healthy immensity

Women only please, hold you ever had a continuing bartholin gland cyst that became infected?

Absolutely not. You are doing all right at that size.

Could not eating adequate . . .?


Is this normal?

if you can touch your toes minus rolls of fat stopping you and hurting your hindmost, then you aren't over solidity sweetums... you may be out of shape though, but I don't know you so I can't put in the picture. Hahah.. Try taking up a few school sports if you're trying to hold track of your health

Can girls, pilfer the sugar pill, birth control, when not on her period but next begin a alien cycle and get perio

hi megan,
if you are 5'3" high and weigh 114 lbs then i judge you are just right. !! You are distinctly NOT overweight...

I think i enjoy torn/ripping a bit of my skin?

Are you kidding?
You could stand to put ON some pounds.
I dislike intensely how I see girls a few years younger than me so put up by body issues.
You're beautiful. don't consent to anyone elses' standards try to take you down.

Virgin but elevated sex drive. do you think am run of the mill?

ur skinny!! im 5'3 and 125!

Penis size? is this ok?

Nope you have a fail-safe BMI

Can birth control be used as emergency contraceptive?

No who the hell told you that. Your not supposed to wieght 95 pounds.

I s there a pump to variety your boobs bigger?

overweight i wouldnt think so r u properly proportioned breasts hips etc ..thats another story and lately as important as mass

I smoked 5-6 hits between friday & sunday, its tues and I hve a ua today, cant take detoxs I am within drug crt?

No. Your BMI is approx. 20.2, which is perfectly able-bodied for your age/sex/height.

Is it normal for the spine on my legs to grow in different directions?

uuuummmm nooooo!

I'm a 20 year outdated guy named Mike Cauchi and I am have trouble because my vagina is leaking HELP Please?

You are surrounded by the perfect list. Listen to your body. If you feel jubilant and healthy, apposite for you! If you feel resembling you'd like to lose a couple pounds, you can do that efficiently. Just cut out the snacks and sweets for a few days. And drink a lot of dampen.

Genital warts on the outside of vagina?

no stop complaning i hold a prob putting on weight- i am 13, 5'7 and onli 107 pds!

I had sex slow Saturday Night, is it to late to pinch Emergency Contraception pills?

Not at all!

Don't deliberate that the skeleton-like models are attractive, b/c that's not!
You don't sound close to you need to lose ANYTHING!
And if anyone have told you you need to lose counterweight, they are full of it.

Why do i bleed whenever i have sex?

you're almost underweight honey. don't verbs about your counterweight, remember be who you are.

What is the best way to lose middle margarine?

no sounds good to me.

Tampon Question?

Absolutely NOT !
Go to
muscle weigh more then stout and at 5'3 114 pounds is perfect !!! Congradulations, to a clean you !

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